Monday, January 27, 2020
Importance Of Distribution Channels Marketing Essay
Importance Of Distribution Channels Marketing Essay Meaning: in the field of marketing, channels of distribution indicates routes or pathways through which goods and services flow, or more from producers to consumers. We can define formally the distribution channels as the set of interdependent marketing institutions participating in the marketing activities involved in the movement the flow of goods or services from the primary producers to ultimate consumers. A channel of distribution is a path traced in the direct or indirect transfer of ownership of a product as it moves from producers to consumers. A channel is pipeline through which a flows on its way to the consumers. The manager put his products into the pipeline marketing channels and it moves towards various marketing people and reaches the ultimate consumer which is the other end of the channels. Components of distribution system: The distribution system involves two components such as below. Channels of distribution Physical distribution Channels of distribution: means a process through which the products are transferred from the producers to the ultimate consumers. It also known as marketing channels. The channels members such as merchants agents wholesalers and retailers are middlemen in distribution and they perform all marketing functions. These channels members such as merchants agents wholesalers and retailers are middlemen in contribution and try perform according to marketing functions. These middlemen facilitate the process of exchange and create time, place and possession utilities through matching and sorting process. Sorting enables meeting or matching the supply with consumers demand. Physical distribution: it looks after physical handling of goods and assures maximum customers services. It aims at offering of delivery of right goods at the night distribution activities cover: Order processing Packaging Warehousing Transportation Inventory control Customer service. All middle in distribution on performs these function and they assure putting the products with in an arms length customers desire and demand. Elements of distribution channels: Path way: distribution channels are a pathway through which products and services flow from manufacturers to customers. Flow: this of goods and services in sequential and usually in directional. Composition: it is composed of intermediaries also called middlemen who participate in the flow of voluntarily. Objectives: although channels components largely strive to achieve mutually acceptable objectives, the manufacturer focus is an achieving corporate marketing objective. Leader: manufacturer leads the channels components and their behavior is regulated by mutually acceptable code of conduct, trade customer and or contracted stipulation. Thus the company acts as the channels caption and manages the pathway. Functions: the intermediaries perform such functions which facilitates transfers of ownership and possession of goods and services from marketers to consumers. The function performed by intermediaries is been classified as follows: Sorting out: it involves breaking a homogeneous through grading or inspection. Accumulation: it involves bringing a number of like products together into a large homogeneous supply. This process is called concentration. Allocation: it involves sorting out of accumulated products and consists of breaking down a homogeneous supply into smacker lots it is also referred to as the process of dispersion. Assorting: it involves building an assortment of different but perhaps a related product to form a stock of an intermediary. At the manufacturer level assortment are dictated by production technology while at the consumer and, use assortments are governed by consumption pattern. These discrepancies in assortment create opportunities for intermediaries to participate in the channels of distribution. Importance of distribution channels: Channels of distribution for a product the route taken by the title to goods they are from the producers to the ultimate consumers. It is very important because product in one place while the consumption scattered in many place. So there is big gap between producers and the consumers. So through channels of distribution can only fill the gap. A channel of distribution connects a link between the producers and the consumers. The middle man plays an important role in consumer orientation demand. The middlemen are specialist in concentration equalization and dispersion, i.e. collects output of various producers subdivide the products according to the needs of the consumers. disperse this assortment to the consumers. The success of channels of distribution [COD] is completely depending upon the middlemen as they create time and possession utility. The COD helps in making products available at right time in the night place and in the right quality. Marketing is a comprehensive term, which includes distribution also, distribution is a function to distribution or sub divided the producers goods to various specific markets which incurred to all ultimate consumers. Role of channels of distribution Channel of Distribution plays a very important role in achieving the marketing objectives of a company. Undoubtedly, the manufacturer of product or services creates involve utility but the distribution channels create time and place utilities. According to Drucker, both the market and distribution channels are offer more crucial than the product. They are primary; the product is secondary. In an ever widening market, particularly in consumer goods market distribution channels have a distinctive role in the successful implementation of marketing plans and strategies. These channels performing the following marketing functions the machinery of distribution. The searching out of buyers and seller. Matching goods to requirements of the market(merchandising) Offering products in the form of assortments packages of items usable and acceptable by the consumers /users. Persuading and influencing the prospective buyers to favor a certain products and its maker [personal selling /sales promotion]. Implementing pricing strategies in such a manner that would be acceptable to the buyers and ensure effective distribution functions. Participating actively in the creation and establishment of market for a new product. Offering pre- and after sales service to customer Transferring of new technology to the users along with the supply of products and playing green resolution in our country. Providing feels back information, marketing intelligence and sales forecasting services for their regions their suppliers. Offering credit to retailers and consumers. Risk- bearing with references to stock holding transport. MIDDLEMAN IN DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Merchant intermediaries are those channels member who take both title to and position of goods from the proceeding member (s) and channels them to the subsequence. These may classify as follows: Wholesalers : A merchants wholesalers may be defined as that intermediary who buys goods in bulk from manufactures and sells them largely to subsequent intermediaries participating in the channel, namely, semi-wholesalers and retailers, they buy the goods and sees the same on their own account and risk. They take title of goods and they resale the goods at a profit with commission. Retailers: A retailer may be defined as that merchant intermediary who buys product from preceding challes members in smaller assorted lots to suit individuals consumer requirements. Retail in the final middlemen in the channel of distribution as he is going to sell products to houses holds consumers for non- business use. Retailers are further classified as institutional and non- institutional retailers. The institutional retailers are: Consumer Co- operative stores. Fair price shops. Departmental stores. Chain / multiple stores. Mail order houses. The non-institutional buyers are: Stress sellers. Peddlers. Hawkers. Agent Intermediaries: Agent Intermediaries are those channel components who never take title to end usually do not take title to and usually do not take possession of goods but merely assist manufacturers, merchants intermediaries and consumers in carrying out transactions of sale and purchase. There for, unlike merchant intermediaries, they do not buy or sell goods on their own account but merely bring buyers and sellers together in order to strike a transaction. There exist an agency relationship between such an intermediary manufacturers where in the former acts as agent and the latter as his principal, such agent intermediaries solicit orders, sometimes with discretion a fixing prices, and determines the term of sale with buyers. Agent intermediaries are usually compensable for their services by way of commission on the value of sale affected through them or any other basis naturally agrees upon. Agent intermediaries may be further classified as follows: Sole selling agent. Selling agent. Commission agent. Brokers. Channel decision The first problem of channel design in whether you want direct sale to consumer or indirect sale i.e., sale through middleman under the direct sales the channel problem becomes problems of company organization. If the company chooses the indirect route, it must consider such problem as the type and number of middlemans and methods to be employed in motivating and controlling them. The selection of these middlemen beings with the knowledge of ultimate customers-his needs and desires for distribution services. Customer conveniences and economics of exclusive distribution will determine the number of middleman employed. The company must choose whether to attempt extensive, selective or exclusive distribution or combination of all three types, the decision is made after the careful analysis of product, customer, dealers, and company objectives and policies, and the conflict with in the channels and any other relevant factors. The company must resolve channels and bring the product profit ably to the market. In the chance managements a manufacturer has to make three decisions: Section of a particular middleman at each level and in each market. Number of middlemen at each level and in each market. Selection of particular middlemen for selling goods, with or without any exclusive rights of distribution. Once the company has determined, its basic channel design and levels of distribution, it has to select middlemen appoint them, motivate their efforts, evaluate their utility periodically and if necessary, it has to reorganizing the channels in the light of experience. Channel choice Channel decisions also require special attention as involve long term commitments to other firms with whom marketer enters in to a contract. The problem of selecting the most suitable channel 0f distribution for a product is complex. The most fundamental factor for channel choice and channel management it economic criteria, viz., cost and profit criteria, we have to consider a number of factors such as the nature of the product, market trends, competition outlooks pricing policies typical consumer needs, as well as needs of the manufacture critical factor. Product factors Product manufactured by a company itself is a governing factor of great force in the distribution channel selection. The product attributes shape the channel decision in the following manners, If a commodity is perishable or fragile a producer prefers few and controlled levels of distribution. For durable and standardized goods longer and diversified channel may be necessary. For custom made product direct distribution to consumer or industrial user may be desirable. Systems approaches needs package deal and shorter-channel serves the purpose. For technical product requiring specialized and selling and serving talent, we here the shortest channel. Products of high unit value are sold directly by traveling sales force and not through middlemen. Market factors Under the modern concept of marketing market factor shape all marketing decision. As a corollary, the distribution channel choice is considerably influenced by market factor. Consumers: the numbers of consumers, their geographic location and purchase pattern considerably govern the choice of a channel. Intermediaries: the relative strength and weakness of intermediaries and the difference in the type of function performed and facilities and privileges desired by them often determine the choice of channel. Competitors: the distribution channels used by competitors also influence the channel choice because it may be the customary channel used by all those operating in the field. If the market size is large, we have many channels where as in a small market direct selling may be profitable. Company factors Like markets and products, companies own strength and weakness significantly influence and shape channel choices. Financial strength: a company with substantial and financial resources need not really too much on the middlemen and can offered. To reduce the levels of distribution a weaker company has to open on middlemen to secure financial and warehousing relief. Past channel experience: in case often old and established company its past experience of working with certain kind of intermediaries also condition channel choice. Marketing policies: the marketing policies relevant to channels decision may relate to advertising delivery, after sales service and pricing. Reputation: it is said that the reputation travels faster than the man. It is true in case of companies also who wish to select distribution channels. Middlemen Middlemen who can provide wanted marketing services will be given first preference. The selected middle men must offer maximum co operation particularly in promotional services. They must expect marketing policies and programs of the manufacturers and actively help them in their implementation. The channel generating the largest sales volume unit cost will be given top priority this will be minimizing distribution cost. Competitors Marketers closely watch the channels used by rivals. Many a times, similar channels may be desirable to bring about distribution of your products also. Followers, sometimes marketers deliberately avoid customary channels (dominated by rivals) and adopt different channels strategy for instance, you may by pass retail store channel (usually used by rival) and adopt door to door sales (where there is no competitors). Environmental factors Marketing environment can also influence the channel decision. During recession or depression, shorter and cheaper channel is always preferable. In times of prosperity we have a wider choice of channel alternatives. Technological inventions also have impact on distribution. The distribution of the perishable goods even in distant markets becomes a reality due to cold storage facilities in transport and warehousing. Hence this led to expanded role of intermediaries in the distribution of perishable goods. Arranging in classes of distribution channels and intermediaries Types of distribution channels: broadly distribution channels may be classified as a non integrated and integrated channel is individual or conventional marketing channels.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Air Jordan Marketing
4P: Jordan Air In order to briefly explain how marketing mix is applied, I am going to give you the example of the â€Å"Jordan Air†So you can see an example of marketing mix I will show you a product that you all know â€Å"Jordan Air†. Product: The product that I will present you is the â€Å"Air Jordan†by Nike. Air Jordan is a brand of shoes and athletic apparel designed, owned, and produced by Nike and Michael Jordan for Nike's Jordan Brand subsidiary but I will focus on the market of trainers. These are high quality trainers, and they are considered as high range of trainers. * The Jordan Nike shoes are unique in that the swoosh logo of the firm do not appear on the Jordan brand products, only the Jumpman appears. Price: * The Jordan shoes are very expensive and there are almost never promoted even when there is a new range. Why? Because it is possible to buy all Air Jordan! The Jordan 1 in 1987 is still marketed. The style of Air J ordan is doesn’t date. * The price for Jordan Shoes are around 180 euros Place:These pairs of trainers marketed in shops specialized athletic shoes. * We found Jordan shoes in the specialized sport stores like Decathlon, Go Sport, Citadium, JD Sports †¦ But to have a wider choice you have to go to the shops or Nike Air Jordan in Shops. It is also possible to buy them online, * There is also the possibility of buying shoes on the Internet (Nike official web stores or jumpman23 official stores of Jordan Brand). Jordan shoes even have a website independent of Nike. * Jordan’s are unique shoes and this is why we cannot buy in any store.Promotion: * Jordan Brand uses all traditional media to communicate: radio, television, cinema, Internet and press. The first promotion for the Jordan brand is the personality of Michael Jordan. In fact, MJ is the best player in history in basketball. * Jordan Brand communicates through commercials spots with Michael Jordan showing. * E vent with Michael Jordan who promoted the brand as for example the come out of Jordan CP3. Michael Jordan was there to show the pair of Jordan 2012 in the stores.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Diana Di Prima
Najla Alameldin Professor Wheat English 106 03-21-2011 A Cultural Criticism on Diane DiPrima’s â€Å"The Practice of Magical Evocation†As a young girl growing up in an Italian American family, DiPrima began to witness expectations that she did not like about her culture. At eight years old she experienced her first expectation as a female in her family but this was not an expectation she felt positively on. In an interview given by David Hadbawnik, DiPrima says that one day her mother was very sick and couldn’t get out of bed; she called for DiPrima and said to her, â€Å"You let that man wash a dish. DiPrima says, that at that moment she thought her mother was crazy and that the only thing on her mind was â€Å"What do you mean, I let him was a dish? You know, he’s the grown up. †Females growing up in Italian American households in the 1950s and 1960s were expected to learn the duties of their mothers. These duties included those activities that were confined to the home such as the typical cooking and cleaning. In an interview with David Hadbawnik, DiPrima says that women in Italian American families sat inferior to the men of their household while the men were considered to be a â€Å"luxury. Daughters of Italian American families were also expected to never leave home before marriage; marriage to that of an Italian or Italian American man. There was to be no sexual relationships outside of marriage and sexual relations within marriage were to be kept secret. Raised in this Italian American household; Diane DiPrima did not rise to the standards set by her culture and flouted many of her family’s rules and beliefs. However she later helped redefine the expectations of an Italian American woman through her literature.When viewing Diane DiPrima’s â€Å"The Practice of Magical Evocation†through a cultural lens of women in 1950’s and 60’s Italian American households, it is evident that the text counteracts this culture by discussing her own sexuality and putting women on a higher pedestal of power. In â€Å"The Practice of Magical Evocation,†Diane DiPrima expresses her sexuality freely and prominently. She is frank, even blatant, about sex that in her own girlhood were kept private to the point of secrecy (Kirschenbaum 61).That she was a young, Italian American woman, in 1969, having sex at all and outside of marriage, and writing about it is what remains so remarkable even today (Quinn 178). In her poem, she chooses to put a quote by Gary Snyder before her own actual text. The quotes states, â€Å"The female is fertile, and discipline (contra naturam) only confuses her†(361). The choosing of this quote declines her parental and cultures’ standards and foreshadows the sexual expression in her poem.For DiPrima, sexual liberation is freedom from the old world of Italian American ethics, and into the new world of permission to do, say and be who s he wants to be, and then to write about it (Quinn 179). Aside from flouting her family’s and culture’s conventions, DiPrima’s greatest transgression may be that she dares to write about herself in the first place. As Mary Jo Bona reminds us: â€Å"the fact that the Italian American woman†¦has chosen writing to express the self illustrates her ability to break away from traditional emphasis on family, one that implicitly enforces silence upon its members to insure that its family secrets are kept. This code of silence, a common theme in Italian American literature, is explicitly feminized in DiPrima’s literature, DiPrima talks about herself as possessing an actual body, with body parts, and bodily functions and pleasures (Quinn 178). In a line of her poem, DiPrima says, â€Å"the female is ductile and (stroke after stroke) built for masochistic calm†(361). Here DiPrima is saying that the body of a female is built to be molded for sex and is a lso built so that we gain the sexual gratification that depends on physical pain.DiPrima expresses this because instead of remaining untouched until marriage like her culture implies, she rather be with who she wants and when she wants, and apply her body to what it is built for. DiPrima goes far beyond revealing the secrets about family, to unveiling the very secrets of Italian American womankind, not in the persona of the immaculate, mysterious Virgin Mary, but to the menstruating, independent, orgasm-seeking Diane (Quinn 179). She is having sex with multiple partners, male and female, and perhaps most egregious of all, having these relationships with non-Italians.Throughout the century, the overwhelming majority of Italian American women in the United States married at least once, as did most women; however, also well into this century, Italian American women were still mostly marrying other Italians. (Quinn 178). Another line in Diane DiPrima’s poem that reveals her sexua l liberation is, â€Å"†¦and pelvic architecture functional assailed inside & out (bring forth) the cunt gets wide and relatively sloppy bring forth men†¦Ã¢â‚¬ In this line DiPrima is actually explaining what happens during sex and is extremely blunt when writing it. To DiPrima the activity of sex was exciting.In the interview with David Hadbawnik, DiPrima says, â€Å"I used to think of going to bed with someone as an adventure, each thing was different, each person was different, and I think what helped to find my physicality was to explore someone else’s physicality. In this poem, Diane DiPrima also expresses her power as an Italian American woman. In the Interview with David Hadbawnik, DiPrima explains that, growing up in her parents’ household men were considered a luxury in the way that you couldn’t rely on them for basics, but they were there with brilliant ideas and often lots of excitement.DiPrima did not agree with this. The message sent f rom her family and culture in turn made her not always want a man around; she gained power this way. She didn’t want a man always there to tell her what to do or act as if he was above her. Instead, she learned the pluses and minuses of having a man around and realized that she could have her pick of guys and have them when she tells them they could come over. Diane DiPrima also expressed her power as an Italian American woman by taking her independence before it was actually given to her.It was DiPrima’s stance, to live as though the women’s sexual revolution had already been accomplished – to separate sex from marriage and marriage from childrearing, and to improvise a quasi-familial supportive network (Kirschenbaum 64). In the poem, when DiPrima says, â€Å"the female is ductile†(361) she could be saying this with a double meaning. It could mean as I said earlier, that the female body can be molded. However, it could also mean that women can un dergo change and form without breaking, expressing that women are powerful and strong in the way that they can withstand anything.Another part of the poem that subtly shows the power of DiPrima as an Italian American woman is when she says, â€Å"†¦bring forth men†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (361). In the interview with David Hadbawnik, DiPrima says, â€Å"Yet as the same time, there were six daughters and one son that he had – the six daughters and my grandmother constantly were working around him and his ideals to keep things going. †Throughout DiPrima’s childhood she was taught and had witnessed that women listen to and follow the men. But in these couple of words from her poem, she expresses that it’s herself that brings a man to her.Through her literature, DiPrima not only shows the power she has as a woman but also shows the power in her words. During a meeting with her uncle, DiPrima says, â€Å"It is power that I am talking about, the use and abuse of p ower, power and secrecy and deals made in the dark. Coils of the unsaid winding through our lives, tangling and tripping us, holding the fabric together (David Hadbawnik Interview). This is one of the themes of DiPrima’s literature. It expresses how she discovered and learned to use power for herself; the powers of words and her power as a woman.In the poem she repeats the phrase, â€Å"the female is ductile. †This is a way that DiPrima performs the power of her words. She does this in order to illustrate the power and significance that these words should display to the reader. Diane DiPrima’s discussions of her rebellion against the beliefs of her family and culture through her literature soon gave Italian American women and also women in general the stepping stone to expressing freedom of themselves; freedom to express their sexuality when and how they wanted, and the power to be whoever they sought out to be.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay About Gullivers Travels - 5646 Words
CONTENTS: 1. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY 4 2. PLOT SUMMARY 6 3. MAIN CHARACTERS 8 4. MOTIVES and SYMBOLS 13 4.1. MOTIVES 13 4.2. SYMBOLS 15 5. SUMMARY 18 6. LITERATURE 19 1. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Jonathan Swift, son of the English lawyer Jonathan Swift the elder, was born in Dublin, Ireland, on November 30, 1667. He grew up there in the care of his uncle before attending Trinity College at the age of fourteen, where he stayed for seven years, graduating in 1688. In that year, he became the secretary of Sir William Temple, an English politician and member of the Whig party. In 1694, he took religious orders in the Church of Ireland and then spent a year as a country parson. He then spent further time in the service of Temple before†¦show more content†¦But overall, they are hospitable, risking famine in their land by feeding Gulliver, who consumes more food than a thousand Lilliputians combined could. Gulliver is taken into the capital city by a vast wagon the Lilliputians have specially built. He is presented to the emperor, who is entertained by Gulliver, just as Gulliver is flattered by the attention of royalty. Eventually Gulliver becomes a national resource, used by the army in its war against the people of Blefuscu, whom the Lilliputians hate for doctrinal differences concerning the proper way to crack eggs. But things change when Gulliver is convicted of treason for putting out a fire in the royal palace with his urine and is condemned to be shot in the eyes and starved to death. Gulliver escapes to Blefuscu, where he is able to repair a boat he finds and set sail for England. After staying in England with his wife and family for two months, Gulliver undertakes his next sea voyage, which takes him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Here, a field worker discovers him. The farmer initially treats him as little more than an animal, keeping him for amusement. The farmer eventually sells Gulliver to the queen, who makes him a courtly diversion and is entertained by his musical talents. Social life is easy for Gulliver after his discovery by the court, but not particularly enjoyable. Gulliver is often repulsed by the physicality ofShow MoreRelatedEssay about Gulliver in Gullivers Travels1523 Words  | 7 PagesA Simple Life The novel, Gulliver’s Travels, is just that, a novel about the main character, Gulliver who goes on many journeys. The part of this book that brings out the reader’s interest is Gulliver’s character and the ways his character changes as the story progresses. He begins as a naà ¯ve Englishman and by the end of the book he has a strong hatred for the human race. 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