Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Everybody Dislikes About Esl Persuasive Essay Topics Slideshare and Why
What Everybody Dislikes About Esl Persuasive Essay Topics Slideshare and Why The Appeal of Esl Persuasive Essay Topics Slideshare Express your opinions as you think about the advantages and disadvantages. At length, if you are supposed to write and essay but have very little knowledge or interest in the topic, don't forget there are lots of custom essay writers which will gladly do the task for you. Sure, with this kind of a massive selection of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. Should you need help to comprehend the many different varieties of public speaking, and indeed the social significance of public speaking and why it's so very critical in some careers to learn the essentials of public speaking, then you will definitely find much in the 7 Words System that can help you. To begin with, if you're arranging a persuasive speech, you ought to think about a topic that may create mental pictures in the minds of your audience. The best speakers know that one of the simplest methods to relax is to learn to breathe properly. Any idea can prove to be an excellent foundation for a topic. The objective of brainstorming is to aid you in getting ideas. You should first figure out the reason behind your essay, before it is possible to write persuasive content about it. In an issue of speaking, picking out persuasive essay topics is similar to telling yourself what you need to convey to the rest of earth. Still, figuring out the ideal topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student. Deciding upon the proper topic for a persuasive speech can be not such an easy issue to do as it might seem. Be clear in your thoughts about the point you wish to make. In the end, bear in mind that a huge portion of being effective in persuasion is the capability to interest your audience's emotions. After you settle on the subject and pick the position on which you will base your essay, the remainder of the job can then begin. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. Put simply, the essay should say how you intend to get ready for class. If you're thinking about how to compose a persuasive essay, you have to know that writing an essay is a complicated course of action. Overall, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Just stick to the guidelines stated above, and you're going to be well on your way to writing a very good persuasive essay. Vital Pieces of Esl Persuasive Essay Topics Slideshare If you've ever taken an on-line class, you understand how different it can be from a standard face-to-face course. There are several persuasive essay topics to pick from to finish your high school or college assignment. Discussing something which you are familiar isn't only more fun but also a great deal simpler. In any case, the dearth of suitable grammar makes the listeners get rid of respect to the speaker. School should happen in the evenings. ESL Essay is an essay that's written by means of a person whose mother tongue isn't English. English language classes usually call for a lot of writing. In the world today, the English language has come to be an extremely important thing. The ESL essay ought to be grammatically accurate. School tests aren't effective. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. They should be careful about posting on social media. The Chronicles of Esl Persuasive Essay Topics Slideshare You have to get some nice and trustworthy sources. To do so, you want to demonstrate that you're very well-informed about your topic. If you get to select your own topic, that's fantastic. Qualities of a fantastic persuasive essay topic The topic needs to be specific. Persuasive essays share a good deal of resemblance with argumentative essays. Good persuasive essay topics need to be persuasive. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most essential and frequently tricky parts for many students. School board policy needs to be changed so as to implement mobile phones into the curriculum. In planning for the decision of the essay, the students should choose the chance to reaffirm their position. Many students have a tendency to encounter the writing issues due to the dearth of suitable comprehension. In understanding how to compose a business letter, make sure it elicits the desired outcomes. Since you are able to see, understanding how to compose a business letter is quite simple. Business letters ought to be understandable, be in a position to communicate precisely what has to be done, or state communication in an extremely clear way. The company letter ought to be written in block style.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Presentation and Role of Religion in Chronicle of a Death...
Explore the Presentation and Role of Religion in Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle of a Death Foretold is set in Columbia, where the extreme theocentricity means every character’s actions are intrinsically affected by religion. Whilst Marquez also explores much deeper religious issues, the action of the novel centres on the God-fearing townspeople allowing the murder of Santiago Nasar, which clearly contradicts the Christian commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’1 Since female virginity is so venerated in the Catholic faith, when Santiago is accused of taking Angela Vicario’s virginity, her life would be worthless without it, and Angela’s brothers are charged with redeeming her honour. The novel can boil down to the assertion that a†¦show more content†¦The reader will also discern the scores of parallels able to be drawn between Santiago and Jesus Christ, making Santiago a literary ‘Christ-figure’. Both were somewhat outcast, in Santiago’s case because he was not a native Columbian. This makes it easier for the town to allow Santiago’s death, and make him the scapegoat. The town’s unwillingness to save Santiago is similar to the Jews choosing to have Jesus killed rather than a murderer. In both cases, those who had the chance to save the innocent man felt terrible afterwards. Jesus had foretold his own death, and although Santiago was blissfully unaware of his demise until it befell him, the narrator states ‘never was there a death more foretold.’ In dying for the sake of Angela Vicario’s honour, Santiago is sacrificed for the sins of others, which was also Jesus’ purpose in dying. In addition, the seven fatal wounds Santiago suffers probably represent the Seven Deadly sins. Even the way in which Santiago was murdered is akin to the Romans’ killing of Jesus. â€Å"The knife went through the palm of his right hand and then sank into his side up to the hilt.†8 The Romans ensured their victims were dead by stabbing them in the side, their hands having been pierced by being nailed to the crucifix. Incidentally, the Vicarios’ knives â€Å"kept coming out clean†9, which denotes Santiago’s innocence. This is amplified by his Christ-like appearance that day, dressed in white. Finally, since Santiago eventually dies in theShow MoreRelatedChronicle Of A Death Foretold1866 Words  | 8 PagesReflective statement: Chronicle of a Death Foretold The expectations of society and status quo are an important influence in Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The various interactive oral presentations that my classmates presented discussed an array of topics which included roles of women and machismo, specifically how women were forced to accept the unfair social expectations placed on them and how men were expected to exemplify macho behavior. My classmates’ presentations also helped me to gain
Monday, December 9, 2019
Issue of Cyber Crime Provided a Solution Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Issue of Cyber Crime Provided a Solution. Answer: Introduction The security of information that is related to stakeholders and clients is a wide topic which covers a large number of sins. The business persons cause security breaches to find a competitors strategic marketing plan, and several ex-employees leak the secret information to take revenge from the organization for being dismissed. All these unlicensed access to delicate information framework cause genuine security issues. In this case, we have examined the issue of cyber-crime, which is known to be an ethical concern which managers in my organization had failed to notice. And, I designated as an IT expert provided a solution to this problem or issue using the process of DET. Security Issue Main Issue The information is a life-sustaining asset for an organization, therefore, it is necessary to keep it secure from the access of unauthorized people. The security tools help in decreasing the errors, crimes, and financial loss in the e-commerce or e-business networks that interconnect organization with their suppliers, clients, and their stakeholders (Foster, 2010). Here, in this case, I have discussed a situation which my organization had faced, such as, encrypted messages, passwords, files, and other information had been sent in the disorganized frame and unscrambled for licensed users. Our organization regularly has to face major sorts of ethical issues or problems. These are Security of customers personal information associated with the organization, cyber-crimes as well as loss of organizations intellectual property, etc. In our organization, a number of workers use electronic and different types of high-tech technologies. Information sent over this vast network of networks may p ass through many different computer systems before it reaches its last destination. Therefore, the information about organizations running and upcoming projects were leaked and security of clients sensitive data was at risk (Colvin McCracken, 2016). Related issues The security issue here, in this case, means unlicensed or unauthorized access, use, modification, as well as the destruction of an organizations software and hardware. The loss and theft of data network assets, the unlicensed release of data, unauthorized software are some of the problems which organization had faced due to this security issue. There is no reliable and accurate statistics on the measure of computer security crimes and economic losses occurred in the organization, partly because some of these crimes are evidently not detected by our organization. Facts Indeed, even the absolute best software that our organization uses have security vulnerabilities (Dale, 2016). Many of us envision that adequately great software and networks can be totally protected. Due to this belief, numerous clients of our organization get angry when services and machines they utilize end up being vulnerable to assaults. The software upgradations is critical for our security. Ethical Issues Non-ethical issues The ethical and moral issues in data frameworks have provided new earnestness by the ascent of the Internet as well as electronic trade. The web and computerized firm advancements make it less demanding than ever to collect, incorporate, and disperse data, unleash new worries about the suitable utilization of clients data, the security of individual protection, and the insurance of licensed property. Who is Affected by issue The managers who want to secure the frameworks for which they all are responsible for gets affected by this issue, employees who utilize information to provide benefits to the organization are also affected by this security issue (Landau, 2014). The stakeholders associated with us are also influenced by this theft of sensitive data as they dont want that some unauthorized person uses their delicate data. The organization also gets affected by this issue as no one wants to do business with an organization which already face security issues, hence, loss of revenues, loss of clients trust are some issues which an organization has to face (Reisch, 2011). Ethical Issues and its implications Here, in this case, hackers, hack copy security mechanisms of our organization. The pirates distribute and make unauthorized or illegal copies of secured programs and works. The hackers and competitors have less technical skills and they largely utilize our work to increase their revenues. The theft of delicate information or business disturbance causes serious dangers to the reputation of our organization. The economic prosperity, as well as personal privacy of our clients' data, also gets affected by these security issues. Steps to solve issue The CEOs obligation with regards to the security and moral issues ought to be same as in some other parts of the organization or business (Trompeter Eloff, 2001). Furthermore, they ought to include all aspects of security issues which organization faces and manage monetary, operational, as well as business hazard decisions. They have to oversee strategies and methodology on how an organization can handle and ensure its customers information which envelops a wide assortment of information. Options The utilization of authorized and legitimate software is the option here that will diminish the security dangers (Wood, 2005). The perspective for present day business software is to increase the future growth of an organization that can't be underestimated, as nowadays clients require, as well as expect high-quality services. The integration of entire division is necessary to guarantee that exceptional services are given to our clients. Another option for this issue is the storage of delicate data in Centralized Data Model which reduces the probability of data loss as well as theft. Suitable Option The Centralized Data Model is the best option here to overcome security issues as centralized data frameworks or model is capable of completely taking the responsibility to secure and integrate organizations data. Along with it, the integration and safety of data are no longer a responsibility of the organization alone, but it is also a shared responsibility of the organization which facilitating the data (Vadza, 2011). It, thus, becomes in the best interest of that host to ensure that the data is kept safe. Conclusion This study concludes that to plan a security solution that really ensures information, our organization must comprehend the security necessities pertinent to our business procedure, and the extent of current dangers to the organization's data. It has also been concluded that when a business utilizes IT tools intensely, and providing services to clients, stakeholders, and workers, in a manner that they easily controlled and secure this data then organization surely overcome this issue within the organization. References Colvin, C. McCracken, M. (2016). Work Ethic, Social Ethic, no Ethic: Measuring the Economic Values of Modern Christians.Journal Of Applied Econometrics. Dale, O. (2016). Ethical issues and stakeholders matter.Addiction,111(4), 587-589. Foster, D. (2010). Worldwide Testing and Test Security Issues: Ethical Challenges and Solutions.Ethics Behavior,20(3-4), 207-228. Landau, S. (2014). Security and Privacy: Facing Ethical Choices.IEEE Security Privacy,12(4), 3-6. Reisch, R. (2011). International service learning programs: Ethical issues and recommendations.Developing World Bioethics,11(2), 93-98. Trompeter, C. Eloff, J. (2001). A Framework for the Implementation of Socio-ethical Controls in Information Security.Computers Security,20(5), 384-391. Vadza, K. (2011). Cyber Crime its Categories.Indian Journal Of Applied Research,3(5), 130-133. Wood, P. (2005). Implementing identity management security - an ethical hacker's view.Network Security,2005(9), 12-15.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why the church and state should not be separate an Example by
Why the church and state should not be separate From the Lords infinite wisdom and mercy, he has given us men the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. He has given us a world filled with his creation to sustain and enrich our lives. He has in the words if the Bible, given us all that we need to live and prosper in the world. Need essay sample on "Why the church and state should not be separate" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed College Students Often Tell EssayLab writers: Who wants to write paper for me? Essay writers propose: Get the best writing help Of course this can be taken in the quite literal sense and in the less so. It can be said that God has given us a world perfect for our survival. The world he has given us provides us sufficient food, breathable air, and clean water among others that we need to live. However he has also given us a world that can be a bit wild at times, and it is here, that the more figurative sense of the earlier statement becomes manifest. He has given man the faculty of thought and free will. He has enabled us to survive and prosper as species by giving us superior intelligence. It is this ability, one that can be seen as mans greatest boon, which can also mean mans fall, in that it has made us into beings that covet and compete for the resources of this world, that has led man through the ages to continuously strive to bring order to his society through collectivisms more popularly known as the state. The State A state is an organized political community, occupying a territory, and possessing internal and external sovereignty, that enforces a monopoly on the use of force. It may or may not have an organized government to exist. However, for the purposes of this paper we will assume that the state is represented at least to some extent, by the government. It will also be assumed that the state in discussion is at peace and is internationally recognized as a legitimate government. The state serves many purposes. Many would argue that the state is necessary to avoid chaos in society. Common sense would tell us that this is true. Allowing people to do as each would please would result to utter chaos. The Church For this paper, the church as in Christian doctrine is the religious community as a whole, or an organized body of believers adhering to one sect's teachings. The word church translates the Greek ekklesia, used in the New Testament for the body of faithful and the local congregation. Christians established congregations modeled on the synagogue and a system of governance centered on the bishop. The Nicene Creed characterized the church as one (unified), holy (created by the Holy Spirit), catholic (universal), and apostolic (historically continuous with the Apostles). The schism of Eastern and Western churches (1054) and the Reformation (16th century) ended institutional unity and universality. St. Augustine stated that the real church is known only to God, and Martin Luther held that the true church had members in many Christian bodies and was independent of any organization. Reasons for separation For many countries the state should be separate from the church. In countries such as the Philippines, four hundred years of colonial rule under the Spaniards have led many to believe that the state should indeed be isolated from the undue influence of the clergy. In many cases the churchs intervention in the affairs of the state and the ensuing infractions are the main reasons for separation. However, the church per se in not wholly to blame for this after all the clergy is just men subject to the dictates of their nature and is therefore prone to commit mistakes. The church in itself represents morality and goodness. It is this that we will be discussing in this paper. Why not? Steve Bonta in his paper, The State and Church should not be separate1, outlined the many reasons why. In this paper he mainly says that for the political structure of a nation to last and prosper, it is dependent on the morality and religion of its citizens. The power of the government, the reason for its establishment, comes from the individuals consent to coalesce in order to protect their God given rights. God, who is the cause and final destination of all things pertaining to man and his existence, has given us the rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This is a governments primary concern. This means that the government is there to make sure that all men get their god-given dues while avoiding the infraction to the rights of others. Another consequence of the fact that God is the Source and reason for the State is that it exists to protect these rights and thus the government is under the individual's welfare. For a government to sustain its existence, its citizens must continually adhere to the morals of the Church. After all imagine what would restrain a person if he knows that only the rules of men and not those of God govern him; if he knows that he is not accountable to a higher power than that of convention or sheer force? Our intemperate natures dictates that we be subject to rules otherwise we pave pour own ways to destruction. Republican governments under God, then, are the truest champions of Liberty. God, has created us with varied and unequal endowments of talents and abilities. Under conditions of liberty, people with equal rights use their unequal God-given skills to create a society where every individual benefits from the talents of others. Furthermore according to Bonta, the French revolution started distortions in these views; it is during that time that French declared that all sovereignty according to the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the counterfeit of the American Declaration of Independence, resides "essentially in the nation. No group, no individual may exercise authority not emanating expressly there from.' This has inverted the roles that government and people play towards each other. From heron the state must reign supreme as God has been taken out of the picture. This is the primary cause of all the suffering of people from the state. Government that is subject to the whims of individuals who run it can give and retrieve the rights it has given to its people; rights that are in fact from the people. Morality is then translated into the obedience to laws that can change at any time depending on those who make it. In this country we are free to choose our religion and to practice it without fear of State persecution. This right is protected by the constitution. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.2 The establishment clause, according to Bonta was only meant to protect religion from the state. This clause clearly puts a wall of separation between the Church and the Sate. By doing this the Founders are making sure that the state shall never overleap its bounds and infringe on religion and the church. By maintaining the autonomy of religion the people of this nation is assured that their God-given rights remain intact and that they will always be upheld in the Land of the Free. Works Cited: Bonta, Steve.(2006) Why the church and state should not be separate. Opposing Views Resource Center. Thomson Gale (2003). The First Amendment. Accessed August 2, 2006.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Antisemitism essays
Antisemitism essays The Holocaust was not a strictly Jewish event that only involved the European Jewry as a culture. The Holocaust began with the euthanasia acts that began in 1939 when under the Nazi Party citizens that were racially German who were mentally ill, physically disabled, and incurable sick were gassed and killed. Along with European Jewry other groups such as Russian prisoners of war, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witness, gypsies and others were discriminated against and killed. Although the European Jewry made up the majority of those killed by Nazi Germany they were not the only ones affected by the Nazis reign. The first to be affected by the Holocaust were those who in 1939 had been physically and mentally disadvantaged. These killings were considered mercy killings and under this euthanasia program about eighty thousand people were killed in six different centers. These were not the only killing that occurred but they are the ones that any record of Hitler actually ordering and are therefore the most substantial evidence for the start of the Holocaust. Also, the killing of physically and mentally disadvantaged people meant that European Jewry were not the only to be subject to the horrors of the Nazi state. Another connection between the early euthanasia acts and the later death camps is that the chemists who performed these acts were and experimented with different poisons and carbon monoxide were moved to the East to continue their work there. Since the public had become aware of the actions being taken by the Nazi government the programs were slowed down and gradually moved out of Germany all together. Another argument that functionalist use is that although some intention was there to rid Germany of its Jewish population it was not focused on exterminating them completely. The same anti-Semitist sentiments were just as strong if not stronger in the Great Britain and France. This anti-Semitic...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Qué es Global Entry para acelerar paso por control migratorio
Quà © es Global Entry para acelerar paso por control migratorio El paso por el control migratorio para ingresar a Estados Unidos puede, en ocasiones, ser especialmente largo pudiendo demorarse por ms de una hora. Esta molestia se puede evitar enrolndose en el programa Entrada Global (Global Entry, en inglà ©s) que, adems, puede utilizarse con el mismo fin en un nà ºmero limitado de otros paà ses. En este artà culo se informa sobre quià ©nes se pueden enrolar en el programa, cà ³mo se solicita el ingreso, en quà © consiste el trmite de la entrevista, razones de negacià ³n de la solicitud y quà © es la Global Entry Card. Quià ©nes se pueden enrolar en el programa Global Entry No todas las personas pueden solicitar beneficiarse de Global Entry. Es preciso cumplir con una serie de requisitos, el primero de los cuales es el de nacionalidad o situacià ³n migratoria ya que es necesario estar en una de las siguientes categorà as: Ser estadounidense o residente permanente legal en los Estados Unidos.O ser ciudadano de Argentina, India, Colombia, Mà ©xico, Panam, Singapore, Holanda, Reino Unido, Suiza, Alemania y Corea del Sur. Los miembros de Global Entry pueden beneficiarse de paso de control migratorio rpido en esos paà ses, adems de en Estados Unidos. Los canadienses y los residentes permanentes legales en Canad no pueden solicitar ingreso a Global Entry. Sin embargo, gozan de beneficios similares a travà ©s del programa NEXUS (que tambià ©n sirve para cruzar la frontera terrestre). Adems, son requisitos para obtener la aprobacià ³n de la solicitud de enrolamiento en Global Entry no ser un riesgo para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos y que la la Policà a Fronteriza de Estados Unidos (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) apruebe dicha peticià ³n. Aunque este programa es principalmente utilizado por viajeros que pasan frecuentemente a travà ©s de las fronteras estadounidenses, à ©sta no es una condicià ³n y, de hecho, puede aplicar cualquier persona que cumpla con los requisitos mencionados anteriormente. En el caso de menores de 18 aà ±os, es necesario el consentimiento expreso de los padres o guardianes legales. Cà ³mo solicitar ser miembro del programa Entrada Global La aplicacià ³n debe hacerse por internet en la pgina web del Departamento de Seguridad Interna. Debe crearse una cuenta para este fin. Si solicitan varios miembros de una misma familia, hay que crear una cuenta independiente para cada uno, incluidos los nià ±os. Adems, debe pagarse $100 en concepto de tarifa o arancel. Este dinero no se recupera en el caso de que la solicitud sea denegada. El pago a de hacerse con tarjeta de crà ©dito o mediante transferencia bancaria. Una vez que la CBP recibe la aplicacià ³n, si la aprueba condicionalmente entonces procede a enviar un correo electrà ³nico a la cuenta previamente creada en el programa Entrada Global citando al solicitante para una entrevista que tendr lugar en un centro autorizado, conocido en inglà ©s como enrollment center. Sin embargo, existe tambià ©n la opcià ³n de que una vez que se ha recibido comunicacià ³n de la aprobacià ³n condicional la persona beneficiada opte por lo que se conoce como enrollment on arrival. Esto es, la entrevista tendr lugar una vez que se llega a un aeropuerto a Estados Unidos. La à ºnica condicià ³n es que la llegada tenga lugar a travà ©s de un aeropuerto autorizado para realizar este tipo de gestià ³n. Quà © esperar de la cita en la CBP El solicitante para ser enrolado en Entrada Global deber presentarse a la hora y en el lugar indicado presentando dos formas de identificacià ³n. Los ciudadanos mostrarn sus pasaportes no expirados y los residentes sus tarjetas de residencia. Adems, ser necesario llevar otro I.D. como por ejemplo la licencia de manejar. Al ser entrevistado se tomar una foto y las huellas digitales del solicitante que se cotejarn con las bases de datos disponibles para al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Por quà © puede ser denegada la peticià ³n Las razones por las que la solicitud para beneficiarse del programa Global Entry puede ser negada son varias, destacando entre ellas, las siguientes: La informacià ³n que se da en la aplicacià ³n es falsa o incompleta. Esto serà a un fraude de ley y darà a lugar a incontables problemas seriosEl solicitante est siendo investigado por una autoridad americana, federal, estatal o localHa violado en algà ºn momento leyes de inmigracià ³n, aduaneras o de agricultura en cualquier paà s. No es admisible para entrar en Estados Unidos en aplicacià ³n de las leyes migratorias (esto aplica sà ³lo a extranjeros, incluidos los residentes permanentes)Ha sido condenado previamente por un delito o est en bà ºsqueda y capturaLa CBP no puede verificar todo o parte del historial laboral, criminal o de residencia del solicitante y, por lo tanto, no se cumplen con el requisito de demostrar que no se es un riesgo bajo para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos Quà © pasa si la solicitud de Global Entry es aprobada A partir de ahà , cada vez que ingrese a Estados Unidos en vez de hacer fila y esperar su turno para ser procesado por Inmigracià ³n podr dirigirse directamente al kiosko de Global Entry, pasar el pasaporte y poner sobre la mquina sus dedos para que se le tomen las huellas digitales. Es en este momento cuando se cubre en el kiosko la declaracià ³n de aduanas, tambià ©n conocida como formulario 6059B. Y automticamente se le emitir un recibo con el que ya puede ir a recoger su equipaje y proceder hacia Aduanas, donde se puede ser sometido a inspeccià ³n para controlar si trae algà ºn artà culo cuya entrada est prohibida en Estados Unidos. Adems, todos los extranjeros que no son residentes permanentes legales en Estados Unidos deben notificar en persona en un centro de registracià ³n de Global Entry todos los cambios que pueden afectar a sus visas, como por ejemplo, la solicitud de renovacià ³n o de peticià ³n de otro tipo de visa. Si no se hace, puede haber problemas al llegar a Estados Unidos. A pesar de estar enrolado en este programa, es posible que en ocasiones la persona deba pasar controles inmigratorios adicionales. Adems, si abusa de este programa sus privilegios pueden ser cancelados automticamente. Opciones a Global Entry para acelerar cruce del control migratorio Y por à ºltimo, conviene tener en cuenta que este programa aplica cuando se ingresa en Estados Unidos por aire y a travà ©s de uno de los aeropuertos en los que est en funcionamiento el programa de Entrada Global. Pero hay otros programas de cruce rpido de control migratorio como por ejemplo APC para estadounidenses y para ciudadanos del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas (chilenos, espaà ±oles) o SENTRI para paso terrestre o marà timo entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico y su equivalente Nexus para el paso terrestre entre USA y Canad. Finalmente, destacar que todas las personas que son miembros de Global Entry pueden participar en el programa TSA Pre que permite acelerar el paso por el control de seguridad en los aeropuertos de USA para vuelos domà ©sticos y tambià ©n internacionales con origen en los Estados Unidos. Quà © es la Global Entry Card Es una tarjeta que se puede emitir a los miembros del programa Global Entry y que adems son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, residentes permanentes en este paà s o ciudadanos mexicanos. Para obtenerla es necesario entrar en el sistema de GOES donde se inicià ³ la aplicacià ³n para el Global Entry y seleccionar la opcià ³n  ¨activate membership card ¨. La tarjeta contiene un chip con informacià ³n sensible y puede utilizarse para ingresar a Estados Unidos por un puerto marà timo o tambià ©n por una frontera terrestre utilizando las lineas designadas para SENTRI en el caso de frontera sur con Mà ©xico o para NEXUS, en el caso de frontera con Canad o para Ready Line, reduciendo asà los tiempos de espera para cruzar. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Castration as a punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Castration as a punishment - Essay Example Castration is a method of punishment that involves the authorities chopping off the private parts of the offender. Various debates have existed on whether this method of punishment is fair and it is appropriate to go through several facts that show why it ought to continue. Many people have argued that this method of punishment is not fair for it involves messing with the body parts of a human being. This argument does not have much support for going through the areas that have passed this law; they pass it for it assists in punishing criminals who engage in uncouth activities such as rape (Goldin, 2013). When carrying out rape, the criminals get to mess with the private parts of innocent individuals and thus the reason why it is fair for the authorities to carry out the same type of punishment on the person. Another argument that can be used to show the fact that these people ought to be castrated is the issue of repeat offenders. Many cases exist where the person who carried out the raping crime carries out the same mistake again (Becker, 2012). After being caught and imprisoned for the first time, these people have the ability to feel as if they did not deserve the punishment and as a sign of rebellion may rape again. This matter has existed for a very long time. However, if a person is castrated after carrying out the crime for the first time, then there is no chance that he can carry out the crime again. Castration ought to be a sentencing option to the judges and this ids for the fact that when a person is sentenced to punishment of castration, he goes through much pain and suffering that may be effective enough to act as a warning to other people that may have had similar intentions. Moreover, this method of sentencing ensures that the offender does not carry out the crime again even after the release (Tracy, 2013). There are different cases that have come up over the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Philosophy - Assignment Example ey argue using stock question, "If everything has a cause, then what caused about God?†To recommend that God require not have a cause, and then it implies the universe did not have a cause. Perhaps, the individuals who disagree with the question and recommendation, it is the universe itself or the occasion that rose it, that is the uncaused cause (Solomon and Martin 90). There are numerous illustrations of philosophers who are against the straw man First Cause contention. They incorporate Graham Priest, Steven Hales, Bertrand Russell, Nigel Warburton, Robin Le Poidevin, Simon Blackburn, Jenny Teichman, Michael Martin, and Katherine Evans. Solomon and Martin offers a few further samples from philosophy books, including Russells book Why I Am Not a Christian as the source from which numerous writers realized the caricature that was answered by the stock. Solomon and Martin believe that David Hume through his book the Dialogs Concerning Natural Religion discredits the stock straw man’s First Cause contention; he was among the first extraordinary authors to do as such. Solomon and Martin suggest that it is agreeable without qualifying the rule "Each being has a cause,†any invalidation this, if nothing else, ought to excite suspicions among the believers concerning the principle or practice. Critics routinely discredit the straw man without referring to any individual who has ever defended it. For example, Le Poidevin conceded that nobody has actually defended it, after dishonestly criticizing proponent or the advocates for the First Cause contention of disaffirming themselves by denying that God has a cause. Solomon and Martin note that Aquinas unequivocally denied that everything had a cause. Aquinas said that "to be caused by an alternate or another, does not apply to a being inasmuch as the being; generally, every being would be caused by another, so we ought to need to move ahead to limitlessness in causes - impossibility†. Aquinas believes that it is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Why we get a brain freeze Essay Example for Free
Why we get a brain freeze Essay Brain freeze occurs when something extremely cold touches the upper-palate (roof of the mouth). It normally happens when the weather is very hot, and the individual consumes something too fast. We all love Icey cold foods, especially on a ht summer day, but too much of it too fast can give us a real headache. Who hasnt had a bout of brain freeze immediately after they throw that blizzard back too fast. Brain freeze is something which most people have heard of, but which they actually know very little about. Generally it is the term given to the feeling you get after eating or drinking something extremely cold. It tends to occur when these foods and drinks are consumed fairly quickly and it is definitely not a very nice experience! So just what is it and why does it occur? What Happens What you may not know is that the pain actually occurs from the cold food and drink touching the roof of the mouth. It is the warming, afterwards, of the hard palate that causes the pain rather than the cold as what many people mistakenly think. So just why does it occur? Well the body is designed to keep as much heat in as possible, especially on a cold day. So when you breathe through your mouth for example, the body reduces the blood flow in the mouth in order to preserve heat. The way in which blood flow is reduced is that the diameter of the blood vessels is reduced. This is known as Vasoconstriction and once it has occurred, the blood vessels then return to normal which results in the dilation of the arteries within the palate. It is the nerves within the palate that translate the dilation as pain and that is why you experience brain freeze.Usually brain freeze only lasts a few seconds but it is possible that it could last for a minute or two. It is extremely rare for the pain to last any longer than that. Dealing with Brain Freeze When you experience it, it can be a really horrible experience. However, there are some things that you can do which are thought to help to relieve the pain. One of these things is to move your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This helps to warm the palate and similarly you could also try to drink water that has been left at room temperature. One thing to remember is that the temperature within the mouth does tend to heat up fairly quickly. So by covering your nose and your mouth while breathing, it could really help to speed up the warming process. The cold air that you breathe in will only make the condition worse. About Brain Freeze Studies have been carried out to see if there is a link between brain freeze and its sufferers. Not everybody experiences the condition; it is thought that only roughly 30% of the population suffers from brain freeze. Usually it is brought on after eating something such as ice cream or drinking a slurpee drink. There is also a theory that people who suffer from migraines may be more likely to suffer from brain freeze than anybody else. Slow Down Brain freeze is that little extra you get when you eat or drink your favorite cold foods. If you have been susceptible to brain freeze in the past, be careful when consuming these goodies, take your time and enjoy them. This way you can thoroughly enjoy that icey treat and avoid that icey headache. My Summary I did my summary on brain freeze’s. You can get a brain freeze by ice cream. You can also get a brain freeze by water ice or something that you ate that was cold. A brain freeze often occurs when something cold touches the top of your mouth.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
plea bargaining Essay -- essays research papers
Plea Bargaining Process      The plea bargaining process is very important to the criminal justice system because without it the criminal justice system would grind to a halt. Plea-bargaining is important because if every case went to a trial it would take years for criminals to get from the time of arrest till the time of trial. The video we saw showed an example of how the process works to get criminals who plea guilty to committing minor crimes through the system faster so that the courts can concentrate on those criminals who commit major crimes. In this video you can see some of the variables that enter into the plea-bargaining system and how they can be fair and unfair to the parties involved. You can see the quality of legal representation provided by the public defenders office and how they have the discretion to what happens to these criminals. And we can explore options to improve the system to operate more smoothly and provide better justice to the criminals for the community.      In this video we saw a few cases in which people committed crimes including public drunkenness, prostitution, and even a guy who was doing push-ups in the train tracks which caused a train to stop. In all cases the criminals were career criminals who have been in and out of trouble for years and in all cases they plead guilty and received little or no jail time. While you might think this is good for the criminals and they should be happ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Informative essy
The gang is notorious for its flamboyant use of the color blue. Wearing blue any and everywhere, gang members often get heckled by the police. The Crips are known to have an intense and bitter rivalry with the Bloods and various surrounding gangs. They are also locked in an ongoing struggle over the drug trade with the Vice Lords. Raymond initially called the gang the Baby Avenues in an attempt to emulate older gangs and the activities carried out by the Black Panthers; Raymond was fascinated with the movement of the Black Panthers.The Gang renamed itself the Avenue Cribs and then took on the nickname the Cribs, because of the young age of members. The name Crips was first introduced in the Los Angeles Sentinel newspaper in a description by crime victims of young men with canes, as if they were crippled. Resources state, it could have Just been a misspelling error, either way the name stuck, and the Crips were officially Born Gangsters. Stanley Tookie Williams, generally acknowledged as co-founder of the Crips, started his own gang called the Westside Crips. Crip meaning â€Å"Community Revolution In Progress†.The Crips became popular throughout southern Los Angeles as more youth gangs Joined; at one point they outnumbered non-crip gangs by 3 to 1, sparking disputes with non-crip gangs, including the L. A. Brims, Athens Parks Boys, the Bishops and the Denver Lanes. The Crips eventually became the most powerful gang in California. In response, all of the other rival gangs, including the Pirus, formed an alliance that later became the Bloods. Along with friends, Williams and Washington created the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 960s.These aspirations were unattainable because of a general lack of political leadership and guidance. Washington and Williams were never able to develop an agenda for social change within the community. By 1971 the gang's notoriety had spread across Los Angeles. The Gang became increasingly violent as they attempted to expand their turf. By the early 1980s the gang was heavily involved with drug trade, majority being crack cocaine. In 1971, a Crip set on Piru Street, Compton known as the Piru Street Boys was formed.After two years of peace, a feud began between he Piru Street Boys and the other Crip sets. It would later turn violent as gang warfare ensued between former allies. This battle continued until the mid 1970s when the Piru Street Boys wanted to call an end to the violence and called a meeting witn other gangs that were targeted by the Crips. Atter a long discussion, the Pirus broke off all connections to the Crips and started an organization that would later be called the Bloods, a street gang infamous for its rivalry with the Crips.For many years, Crips were characterized by their tendency to wear blue in order to easily dentify each other. One suggested origin of the selected color is traced to the school colors of Washington High School in South L. A. Another the ory is the co-founder, Stanley Williams, had a good and close friend called â€Å"Buddha†, who wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his back left pocket. When Buddha died, Williams made blue the Crip color in honor of Buddha.A particular set of Crips, the Grape Street Crips, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. The Shotgun Crips are separated into three sub-sets: The Nine, 139th Street; The Foe, 134th street; nd the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California and have been known to wear dark green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that the Shotgun Crips are from Gardena. Crips also wear blue bandanas and British Knights sport shoes, which the Crips use BK as a acronym meaning â€Å"Blood Killas†.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Training Need Analysis
This paper investigates the literature on Training Need Analysis (TNA). The theoretical underpinnings of TNA and the various approaches used in firms are discussed in this paper. The different levels of analyses of training needs and the need for TNA in a firm are also discussed in this paper. The paper also throws light on the limitations of the conventional measures and approaches of TNA. Hence, the paper directs scholars towards the characteristic requirements of a TNA approach more suited for today’s world of work.1. What is Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Needs assessment, or needs analysis, is the process of determining the organization’s training needs and seeks to answer the question of whether the organization’s needs, objectives, and problems can be met or addressed by training. In addition to this TNA should include the determination of tasks to be performed, behaviors essential to the performance of those tasks, type of learning necessary to acquire tho se behaviors, and the type of instructional content best suited to accomplish that type of learning.An illustration of the various steps involved in training need analysis was given by Lawrie and Boringer :1) Use all possible internal and external sources of training need information, 2) Generate a large pool of items describing the trainee on the job behavior, 3) Administer the checklist to trainee behavior, 4) Cluster the training needs, and 5) Obtain information from training feedback. Influence of theory in understanding training needs.Motivation theory According to Campbell , Campbell, Weick, Dunnette, and Lawler have cited evidence for the motivational influence of an individual’s self efficacy on the perceived training needs. General systems theory Odiorne , describes the eight systems found in training. These also include the systems view on training needs as the cybernetic system view and the organism system view. The cybernetic system view says that the needs wil l be identified from within the organization itself and the organism system view says that the information centers at the extremities of this organism, provide the training need information to its brain stimulators.2. Different approaches to TNA2.1. Conventional TNA, The O-T-P model The conventional TNA approach adopted in organizations usually includes analysis at three levels, the organizational level, task level and person level. This was suggested by McGehee and Thayer . The organizational level training needs describe the needs of the organization as a whole, taking into consideration future business opportunities. The task level analysis considers the basic training needs of particular tasks at hand in each job. The person level analysis, considers the training requirements of each person to surpass their skill deficiencies to perform the task at hand satisfactorily.2.2. Task Analytic Approach to TNA Technical trainings deal with jobs or tasks being done by human beings. Su ch training should produce qualified task performers. So, a technical TNA encompasses three activities: need detection, task identification and collection of task performance. Training needs are detected when new equipment is brought into use or the performance quality falls below industry standards. The task identification is done with the help of a task identification matrix (TIM). Similarly a basic task information record (BTIR) is used to collect the task performance data.2.3. Performance appraisal approach to TNARumler and Brache , were of the opinion that if training was to make any significant contribution to an organization; it should be in the form of effective performance enhancement for each individual. Hence their idea of gauging training needs, sprouted from understanding the variable that went into defining the performance systems of each individual employee. Mager and Pipe, suggest analyzing training needs by first differentiating a lack of performance due to skill de ficiency, from that due to lack of motivation. 2.4. Integrated Approach to TNALeat and Lovell, propose an approach to understand training needs by combining the various levels of analysis and integrating it into one model.Figure : Integrated approach to TNA Source: Taylor and O’Driscoll, also attempt to provide an integrated approach to TNA. This includes an integration of the O-T-P and performance appraisal approaches to TNA.Figure : Integrating OTP and Performance appraisal models to TNA Source:2.5. Competency based Approach to TNA An interesting study by Agut, Grau and Peiro , suggested that managerial competency needs and technical needs are completely different from each other in the same sample. This study also indicated that the sample did not demand training to meet their need of generic managerial competencies. From this we can understand that a dichotomy does lie between competency needs and technical training needs. Therefore a competency based approach to TNA migh t not be suitable for all kinds of jobs. It might be more suitable for managerial or executive level jobs where the technical demands are lesser.2.6. Individual or Customized Approach Guthrie and Schwoerer , found that the self assessed training needs were positively influenced by perceptions of training utility, self efficacy, managerial support, and span of control positively and negatively influenced by educational level. A study on the individual training needs of music teachers and vocal trainers revealed significant differences in the training demands of the sample. This study also revealed significant differences in the target behaviors to be assessed, and assessment statuses needed by the various participants .2.7. Economic approach The economic approach to training advises managers to select and prioritize training needs based on three criteria: the profit improvement they can bring to the organization, the addition to human capital and the investment in human capital to meet future contingencies.3. Need for TNATo develop a healthy and vital long range human resource plan, an organization must first understand the training needs of the firm, the people and the future of the firm in conjunction with cooperative strategic planning. Organizational meeting, personnel review and position review are some of the ways in which an effective training need assessment can be carried out in a firm. 4. Different levels of analysis suggested in the various approaches to TNA McGehee and Thayer, considered three levels of analysis; organization, task and man.Morano , suggested looking at the organization’s training needs at two levels i.e. organization and man. The three levels suggested by Taylor and O’Driscoll include, organization, inter organization and man. Rather than levels of analysis these are actually various categories of training need content. For example, the training needs that arise from a man, a task or the organizational content, can all be analyzed at individual, group or organizational levels. Ostroff, Ford, and Goldstein have described this level-content dichotomy in their study. Their level-content framework to assess training needs gives a better picture of the levels of TNA.Table : Level Content Framework of TNA Source: 5. Limitations of a conventional TNA Leat and Lovell, questioned the competency of a traditional TNA in determining training and development needs effectively. They say that a traditional TNA lack the ability to combine the training need analyses at different levels. A few authors have been quoted to say that the traditional TNA is a mechanistic process and its antecedents can be traced back to the industrial revolution over 200 years ago.The rigid behavioral objectives of conventional TNA are antipathetic to current notions of competence . Knight , says that the conventional TNA is not suited to meet the needs of different unique environments i.e. the different patterns of workforce, diffe rent cultures, organizational objectives, strategies and resource constraints. Oatey , criticized the conventional approaches to TNA in their lack of ability to distinguish the specific and general skills requirements of a firm.6. Conventional measures of training needs Four major approaches were suggested by Kirkpatrick , to gauge the organization’s training needs. These included performance appraisals, supervisor tests, supervisor surveys and forming advisory committees with key personnel. Kirkpatrick , gives eleven approaches to determine the training needs in an organization. They include looking at an organization’s processes and supervisory behavior, analyzing the problems, supervisory actions, and performance appraisals and asking supervisors, superiors and subordinates. As can be seen on closer inspection, these are specific methods to measure training needs rather than approaches.Management appraisals, survey, critical incidents analysis, job analysis, asse ssment centers, psychological tests, skills inventory and data obtained while coaching had been some of the conventional methods used by organizations till that time, to understand the prevalent training needs. Otto and Glaser , suggested certain general guidelines to understand the organization’s training needs. These included, talking to the staff, gathering opinions from all levels in the firm, talking to other department and organizational heads, and reading a variety of the industry literature.ConclusionIn today’s world the concept of a job itself has become blurred. Today’s jobs include concepts as broad banding, multi skilling and path planning. The organizations of this age require a results oriented and deliberate organization strategy. Hence, the TNA in such organizations should also follow suit and be strategic and integrated in its approach. TNA should have direct and unambiguous results. Training should be designed to build on what employees already know. The present age TNA emphasizes on assisting the employees in their work and careers and helping them achieve greater future proficiency and satisfaction at work.This paper investigates the literature on Training Need Analysis (TNA). The theoretical underpinnings of TNA and the various approaches used in firms are discussed in this paper. The different levels of analyses of training needs and the need for TNA in a firm are also discussed in this paper. The paper also throws light on the limitations of the conventional measures and approaches of TNA. Hence, the paper directs scholars towards the characteristic requirements of a TNA approach more suited for today’s world of work.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Giotto essays
Giotto essays Giotto a pre-renaissance artist and architect, was born 20 miles North of Florence Italy in the valley of the Mugello. It was described by his admirer John Ruskin as, a Lonely landscape. There were rugged mountains, rough ground and olive trees. There were no gardens or lush landscape's for Giotto to use as a reference for his art work. Giotto was supposedly born around the year 1267. This is not factual but a written chronicle said that he died in 1337 at the age of about 70. Even Giotto's birthplace is up for questioning, supposedly he also grew up in Vespignano. I would just conclude he was born in Italy. Giotto was the son of a farmer. So naturally Giotto grew up like any boy from the country doing chores and working hard. But one day while doing his chores one of the famous painters of the day, Cimabue spotted him. Giotto was spotted drawing the sheep of the fields, and to his surprise they were ridiculously realistic to the actual sheep themselves. So from then on Giotto's door to the world of art was unlocked. A 16th century biographer of artists Giorgio Vasari described Giotto as being a quick minded boy. So not surprising, Cimabue asked Giotto to join him on his trip and stay with him. Cimabue got permission from Giotto's father and they were on their way. (This is not completely factual but what is from this long ago. All the stories pretty much say Cimabue found him.) Descriptions of Giotto's physical features are not very pleasant. He was supposedly pretty ugly, even in his youth. None of that mattered and anyways, he was extremely talented and very smart. By the time Giotto was older and on the scene Florence was in a bad state, so he witnessed the cruel un humane nature of people at that time period. During this time he wrote an epic poem called the divine comedy. Giotto viewed the city as, "a pragmatist, levelheaded, sardonic and frankly materialistic: in time he would profit heavily by h...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Effective Reading Strategies For Textbooks
Effective Reading Strategies For Textbooks  Newsflash: Your teacher doesn’t care if you read the whole chapter. I know that this sounds like a lie that teachers use to make sure you fail in school and life in general, but I am not kidding. At all. In fact, if youre using effective reading strategies, youre not going to read every single word. You dont really have to. Do you know what your teacher wants, more than anything? For you to learn the material youre supposed to know, and if you use the following effective reading tips for textbooks, youll be sure to do that. Read to learn; dont just read to read. There is absolutely no guilt if you skip around as long as you understand what youre supposed to. Effective Reading Strategies Involve Less Actual Reading The best way to spend your study hour when you get an assignment to read a chapter is to devote as little time as is humanly possible to actually putting your eyes across the words on the page and as much time as is humanly possible doing these things: Testing yourself on the contentOrganizing the contentReviewing the contentRelating new concepts in the book to ones you already knowIdentifying and memorizing technical terms, formulas, and vocabularyApplying the concepts in the textbook to real-world situations In other words, spend your time learning, not just hacking through the words on the page until they blur into a giant mass of indecipherable grayish figures. Effective Reading Strategies For Learning a Chapter As I said before, your teacher doesnt care if you read the whole chapter. He or she does care if you know the material. And you should, too. Heres how to minimize your reading and maximize your learning when you read a textbook. Just PEEK, ASK, ANSWER and QUIZ. Peek. Effective reading starts with dedicating the first part of your reading time to peeking through the chapter - look at chapter headings, view pictures, read the intro and conclusion, and browse through the study questions at the end. Get a feel for what you need to know.Ask Questions. On a sheet of paper, transform your chapter headings into questions, leaving spaces underneath. Change â€Å"Early Romantic Poets†into â€Å"Who were the Early Romantic Poets?†Change â€Å"The Lithograph†into â€Å"What THE HECK is The Lithograph?†And on and on. Do this for every heading and subheading. Seems like a waste of precious time. I assure you, it is not.Answer Questions. Read through the chapter to answer the questions you just created. Put the answers in your own words underneath the questions you’ve written on your paper. Paraphrasing what the book says is imperative because youll remember your own words much better than someone elses.Quiz. When yo u’ve found the answers to all of the questions, read back through your notes with the answers covered to see if you can answer the questions from memory. If not, reread your notes until you can. Effective Reading Summary If you practice these effective reading strategies, your test/quiz/and exam study time will decrease DRAMATICALLY because you will have learned the material as you go instead of cramming for your test right before exam time: Sample Reading Comprehension QuestionsLearn Those Facts With Mnemonic DevicesHow to Study For Any Test
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Customer relationship marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Customer relationship marketing - Essay Example More and more business organizations are capitalizing and putting their major efforts on building and maintaining strong customer relationship mainly to gain highly useful and valuable information on how can they best serve their customers and keep them loyal. Relationship: A strategic Initiative ‘Strategy’ is a very common buzzword in the business filed. Large number of businesses find success with their strategy where as many turn out of the business due to in-efficient strategies. Strategies have been playing extremely significant roles in marketing in recent years. It can be argued that relationship marketing seems to be the central point of all other management strategies because no other strategies can bring success unless there is ‘better relationship’ with customers. More specifically, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management are some of the widely applied management strategies and these can turn to be in-effective i f the firm failed to build better relation with its customers. The older profit maximization, product orientation and transaction-based marketing concepts have been questioned and thence faded away and newer concepts of Customer Relationship Marketing has gained considerable place in marketing landscape. It eventually resulted a shift from the profit orientation to the concept of consumerism. Consumer has been placed to be ‘king’ or ‘boss’ in the market and this is often termed as a change from in-out approach to the ‘out-in’ approach. Most industries, service sectors like hospitality in particular, in very recent days give extreme importance to building and maintaining ‘consumer loyalty’. Relationship marketing is basically a stronger strategy to create customer loyalty. ‘Value creation’, ‘customer loyalty’ and ‘relationship marketing’ are more inter-related terms in marketing, because relati onship marketing and its tools have been found to help achieve customer loyalty by creating and adding values to the customers. Customers are better satisfied only when they find expected values from the products or services they consume and this in turn lead them become loyal customers. When it comes to the strategy perception, the marketing management focuses on retaining customers and make them their loyal customers. A vision to generate profits or increase production or compete with others through any possible measures is not exactly what a business is expected to have. Instead, production, competition and what ever a business does must be intended and able to satisfy its potential customers, give them the expected quality, values and reasonable standards, keep good relation with them in a way that they are treated as most valued ‘stakes’. Relationship marketing undertakes to know how to provide values to the customers. Empirical evidences show that 20 percent of th e customers bring in 80 or more percent of the profits for a business and therefore companies find relationship marketing as a key element to attaining reasonable profits that can help them survive in the business. Finding new consumers is often more expensive than retaining the existing consumers and converting them to ‘
Thursday, October 31, 2019
VISUAL ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
VISUAL ANALYSIS - Essay Example Therefore, we can say that the target market of this classy advertisement, are mostly consumers belonging to the upper class. From the warm expression on the man’s face, and the child’s similar manner, it can be deduced that they are father and son. The presence of wedding band further strengthens this observation by showing the marital status of the man. All the minor detailing of the father’s clothing, such as his accessories, proves that he belongs from the privileged class, and the child’s clothing also speaks of wealth. From their body languages, there seems to be a presence of a relationship based on trust, respect, and fondness, between them. It seems that the father is trying to set an impressive example, and the son is looking up to him as a role model. On the whole, the advertisement with its creative text and the refined setting, is giving the message that a Patek Philippe watch increases the value of the person wearing it, and lasts generations. It is also shown that this watch can reinforce the warm and solid relationship between a father and a son. A father will buy this watch, thinking that one day he will pass it on to his son, and the son will always keep it, and cherish it, as a revered memorabilia. From the old times, watches have held special importance in the man’s heart. They are always associated with a person’s social status, personal taste, and economic prosperity. Whether it is a graduation present, gifted from a proud father to his young son, or a wedding present, given as a welcoming sign to son-in-law, watches always forge and solidify a significant bond between the giver and the receiver. When it comes to the upper class, high-end watches are associated with the social power and financial prestige. The advertisements of Rolex, TAG Heuer, Cartier, Movado etc., always either feature wealthy successful men, or shows settings that depicts a luxurious and prosperous life,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case study write up Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Write up - Case Study Example his case, one strongly believes that there are organizational and structural problems that contribute to Chet’s level of stress, particularly found in the way that the organizational chart is designed. As shown in Figure 2.7, Chet’s position as Central Plant Manager indicates governing jurisdiction to 16 lines or chains of command. This means that 16 different personnel, with diverse responsibilities could report to him directly. Therefore, to manage stress using time management, Chet must recommend to higher management that the organizational structure be re-evaluated and redesigned so that stressors could be eliminated or minimized, as needed. As recommended in Whetton and Cameron’s management strategies for eliminating stressors (Table 2.3) through delegating responsibilities, collaboration and team building, work redesign and goal setting, the stress level of Chet would be appropriately managed. Based on developing self-awareness, Chet could manifest high levels of task motivation where he exemplified the desire to accomplish the defined open-end unit schedule but his persistence and productivity levels do not adhere to his defined objectives and goals. The inability to achieve these goals thereby contributes to his level of stress, in conjunction to his awareness that there needs to be a balance between time spent for his family and also to pursue leisure activities for his personal and professional growth. 4) Based on the case and your assessment of Chet’s personality, how would you advise Chet? What strategies/tools, and concepts from the chapter would you suggest to him to increase his effectiveness and lower his stress as a manger. Based on the case and on one’s assessment of Chet’s personality, one would advise Chet to recommend to management a redesign of the organizational structure so that the personnel to report directly to him would be reduced and categorized according to human resources, inventory management, night operations and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Investigation Of British Airways PLC Strategy
Investigation Of British Airways PLC Strategy Flying an extensive route network of more than 300 different destinations in more than 70 countries, with nearly 250 aircrafts in service, British Airways is today the largest airline in the UK and the leader in terms of transatlantic flights globally. They are a group mainly based in Heathrow Airport, London Gatwick and Manchester, where they operate international domestic scheduled air services for carriage of passengers, freight mail. In addition, British Airways is part of the oneworld alliance that together comprises 700 destinations. Founded in 1999, American Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, Lan Airlines, Malà ©v, Qantas and Royal Jordanian are also members of this association. The establishment of this kind of business partnership benefits customers expanding their access to a much wider network of destinations. In terms of shareholding, for instance, the group has participation of 13.5% in the Spanish airline Iberia and 15% in Flybe. According to Key Note (2009), other British Airways ventures include a 10% stake in Eurostar (UK) Ltd as part of the InterCapital and Regional Rail alliance. BA also operates a number of subsidiaries and franchises organisations, for example, British Airways World Cargo, BA Cityflyer and OpenSkies. BAs financial overview defined by Key Note (2009) says that in the year ending in 31st March 2008, British Airways PLC increased its turnover to  £8.76bn from  £8.49bn in 2007. Pre-tax profit increased to  £922m in 2008 from  £611m in 2007. In the year ending 31st March 2009, turnover was up to  £8.99bn and there was pre-tax loss of  £401m. The companys annual report of 2009 describes in more details that 87.1% of this revenue is from passenger traffic, 7.5 % from cargo and 5.4 remains from other activities. The great financial results in the year that anticipated the credit crisis, a record of profitability in BAs history, left the company in a good position to a much harder period that should arrive in 2008/09. The airline industry Key Note (2009) considers Aviation an important sector of the economy, enabling people to visit countries it contributes to the development of other sectors and to warm the economy in general. It is a competitive field which has been recently affected by the low-cost companies, specially the scheduled flights market, where price pressure has being on emphasis influenced by short-term issues as, for instance, the economic recession, oil price fluctuation, government taxation and international environmental and health concerns. In accordance to Key Note, the number of companies on the air travel market significantly increased since 2004, the main reason to explain the expansion was the increasing operation of non-scheduled flights, which represented 48.7% of the overall total on that year and 63.9% in 2008. Even though the rising demand stopped in 2008, this period was a continuous growth for airline enterprises, companies were still able to operate revenues of  £18.25bn that year, which means an increase of 6% on 2007 figures. In summary, all the positive results are certainly a consequence of globalisation, the airline industry has an important role in this process as it stimulates tourism, global trade, foreign investments and therefore despite the recent economic recession it remains a large and growing industry. Environmental Influences Political and Legal There have been some major political issues since the start of the millennium, which have affected the airline industry and British Airways in particular. One specific event was the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack to the world trade centre in New York and the London attack on July 7th 2005, which have resulted in introducing new regulation and security procedures in European countries and the United States. The new regulations have come into effect in 2006 to try to combat the threat of terrorism and illegal immigration which have indirectly affected the buyers travelling confidence (BAs Annual Report). In addition, the 2003 war in Iraq and, the political situation in the same nation have contributed to drive oil prices high and therefore, higher cost of fuel for airline companies were experienced. In recent years, substantial deregulations like open skies agreement 2008, has given more opportunity to airlines and also had a great impact on the long-term business strategies in British Airways. In addition, there are some legal factors affecting BA which are as the results of trade unions power in the UK. British Airways has suffered significantly from the strikes over the last decades which are believed to be taken place under the implication of trade unions. The strikes are mainly concerned with the employee rights, environmental and ecological issues (Clarke, 2007). According to Key Note, from November 2009 the new Air Passenger Duty (APD) will be implemented increasing charges applied for every passenger flying from an UK airport. This measure is going to be based on distance and will make long flights significantly more expensive, which consequently might reduce overseas travellers demand. Moreover, increasing government taxation might affect competitiveness against other transports in the domestic market, as can be observed in the economic effects below. Economic With the economic downturn in 2008 the demand for air travel declined, this is due to the lower demand by business travellers as a cost reduction strategy of their organizations. Key Note defines the effects of the current recession as one of the worst experiences passed by the air travel trading market, specially occurred because of the incremental rising of oil price in the recent past years. Companies were vulnerable to surges in oil price, what could easily affect their trading and profitability. Even though it has fallen since the peak of nearly $150 a barrel during 2008, many companies were locked with fuel bills acquired through hedging into higher prices. Lastly, the financial impact caused by the global recession might persist until 2010/11. Apart from the economic downturn, according to features presented by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), in comparison to other forms of transport, the air travel industry had its prices increased by more than a third (34.3%) in 2008, against for instance, annual increases of 4.3% and 6.8% of road rail and sea, respectively (Key Note, 2009). Social As BA is a global organization operating in different countries it needs to consider different social and cultural factors. These factors are important as they can affect customer needs and the size of potential market. Nowadays, for example, the changes in demographics has changed the customers needs with new life styles, tastes and fashions, customers seek opportunities to go for long-haul destinations interested in new holidays places. Since 2001, after the terrorists attacks in the US, Great Britain did not suffer such decline in the percentage of adults travelling by air. In the year ending in March 2008 this percentage fell to a 3-year low of 47.3%, making it the first annual fall in 8 years (Key Note, 2009). Despite the fact that the domestic demand suffered a considerable decline, air travel is very popular among UK costumers and often the only way of transport to international destinations. International scheduled flights are mentioned by Key Note as the growth sector of the airline industry. In 2008, more than 83 million passengers represented 5.1% increase in demand for international travels, a considerable part of that can be attributed to the large volume of tourists visiting the UK even in a time of economic crisis. Following the same idea, although the industry expected a decline on the number of passengers uplifted until the end of 2009, this situation will be surely recovered from 2010. The UK is a leading tourist and business destination and a boost is forecast on 2012 when the London Olympics should provide a significant increasing on air travel, therefore the number of passengers uplifted is expected to jump from 123.5 million in 2009 to 134 million in 2013, according to Key Note. Finally, an issue that was recently observed in a global perspective was the spread of diseases such as the Swine Flu; such phenomenon might reduce travel and tourism, consequently affecting the airline performance. Technological BA is not different from any company of the 21st century. The aviation sector has grown together with the fast advances in high technology systems, and nowadays it is considerably dependent on its IT structure. At the same time IT is a defining agent in BAs strategic position contributing to various facilities that comprise customers high expectations and satisfaction; on the other hand BA is exposed to a great risk whether this system comes to a failure. Hence, it is extremely necessary that the organization prepares itself through prevention and recovery plans in order to minimize reputation impacts among customers in case of disruption. For example, different strategies (operational, commercial and social) mentioned in this report could not be possibly implemented if the technology was not available; actually this tool is essential for the company to follow the rise in customer needs as well as their competitors innovations. In the aviation industry, technology plays a significant role. Premium airlines want to serve the passenger a convenience journey, starting from the booking to the entertainment onboard, what can only be possible through incremental advances in IT solutions. In addition, efficient engines can consume less fuel and gives more mileage. It can reduce the cost and fulfil quality. BA is trying to minimize the average noise per flight it operates by 15% by 2015 with the use of new technology. Lastly, all the investments in technology helps air travel to remain as one of the safest modes of transport. Environmental Regarding environmental concerns, Key Note (2009) states that the EU is planning to include aviation as part of its emissions trading scheme, this can be considered a reaction to respond critics received for the reluctance of airlines in taking climate-change initiative. Cooperation between BA and Virgin proposes a carbon trading agreement; they are among other companies who volunteer to initiate a process to develop the emissions trading system to the airline industry. Because of the global warming, protection of environment has become a substantial issue for the organizations to consider. Today many of the airlines are trying to reduce CO2 emission and BA is one of them. BAs long term goal is to reduce the Carbon Dioxide by 50% by the year 2050. BA also aims at zero waste to the landfill by the end of 2010 in the UK and reuse or recycling of all the waste. To the airline industry, severe changes in weather conditions represent lost of revenue, things such as heavy snow might disrupt air schedule and lead to operations disruption. Industry Structure and Attractiveness Porters five forces model facilitates an analysis on the competitive environment as well as identifying the forces that affect the level of competition in the airline industry. Existing Competitive Rivalry in the Industry Air travel industry is a large industry with high speed of growth which results in creating more opportunity for competition. According to the annual report, BA faces fierce competition in most of its markets whereby different routs have different levels of competition. The high Competition in short-haul market comes from the free market for internal flights, where European airlines are allowed to choose any route within Europe and set its own fares. Additionally, the emergence of no frills companies like EasyJet and Ryan Air contributes further to the intense rivalry in the short-haul market. The longhaul market is significantly influenced by deregulation. Due to the EU-US Open Skies liberalisations, which allow any EU or US airline to operate flights to US from Heathrow, the competitive environment on transatlantic routes increased dramatically. However, there are few international routs with competition restricted to national airlines. Threat of Entry Most new comers to the airline industry would find it difficult to enter the market as it needs high investments to establish a competitive structure, for example, an aircraft fleet covering the airlines route network. Over the last decade, however, there were a number of newcomers within the low-cost niche; EasyJet and Ryan Air in the European market have dominated the segment. Established airlines, while dominating the market, would not allow new companies to easily compete with them. They would always defend themselves strategically through price reductions, special offers and most of the times a better service. Lastly, these days, it is even more costly to adopt new requirements regarding legal concerning over health and safety regulations that are in evidence in this industry worldwide. The power of Buyer Due to the high competition and an increase in the number of airlines in todays market the buyer has got a large number of airlines to choose from and therefore, has got high power. Therefore, the quality of service the customers receive has become even more important these days. The switching cost for the leisure travellers is very low and so they can easily switch from one airline to the other. As a result, airlines like British Airways would focus on keeping loyalty of business travellers who tend to travel more frequently by introducing incentives such as air miles, hotel reservations or car hire. Power of Supplier Bargaining supplier power will be high with the dominance of Boeing and Airbus as the suppliers of aircraft and there is not much of competition amongst suppliers, therefore, there is a low possibility of vertical integration. Threat of Substitutes As the product and services in the airline industry are similar in nature, therefore, the threat of substitute is considerably high. This can be presumably higher for the local airlines for example for UK or French local airlines. Euro star as train service operating between London and Paris can be considered a threat. However, for the international airlines operating in long distances, trains and sea craft cannot be considered as substitution. Travelling with airplane is no longer a luxury; therefore, some people prefer to travel with cheaper airlines which are sometimes even cheaper than travelling by car or train. These cheap airlines have made the threat of substitutes lower than before. However, there is still higher expectation from airlines, therefore, better service and higher frequency of flights would help lowering the threat of substitute. Capabilities and Core Competences Strengths British Airways PLC is the largest UK airline with  £8.75bn sales in the year ending 31st March 2008, it is nearly four times the second-largest carrier, easyJet with  £2.35bn. This difference can become even greater as according to Key Note, British Airways is allowed by the Government to merge with Iberia and maybe become a Spanish company. What makes BA successful is the companys capability to effectively deploy its resources through its activities and processes. Although financially the company goes through very difficult times, operationally however, BA is achieving levels of excellence never experienced before. BA has made remarkable operational progress during the last year. In accordance to its annual report last year, improvement of 20% in punctuality is achieved and, nearly 82.5% of the flights at Heathrow, Terminal 5 have delay less than 15 minutes of their scheduled time. In addition, 72% less mislaid or misdirected bags during the year compared with the previous one (British Airways Annual report 2009). Furthermore, according to the companys investor relations website, British Airways launched a 32-seat flight from London City airport to New York that for the first time ever will provide internet services on a transatlantic flight, an exclusive service to attend the business demand. This can be certainly an example that any strategic change that will be taken by BA is going to happen gradually, without leaving behind the nature and history that makes the company a synonym of high quality services. In addition, a unique resource that underpins BAs competitive advantage and represents their major strength is the companys long-established brand, which is synonym of high quality services and represents BA as a high-performing, customer orientated, and global premium airline. During 2008 the satisfaction level across BAs network has risen to 72 per cent. Furthermore, the opening of Terminal 5 at Heathrow and the way BA organises its operations and services at the new Terminal delivered a steady rise in customers satisfaction reaching 76 per cent at the end of 2008. During its first year of operation Terminal 5 has served 21 million passengers (British Airways Annual report 2009). Moreover, BAs participation in oneworld alliance builds unique relationships with other airlines and allows the company to offer its customers much wider network of destinations. This business relationship, along with the ability to manage effectively its resources represents a core competence, which helps BA to build its competitive advantage over other airlines. BAs strong fleet base allows the company to serve its robust rout network. At the end of 2008 the company possess 245 aircrafts. Although BA experiences difficult financial times, the company continuously invests in new aircraft, its lounges, a new in-flight entertainment system, cabin upgrades across their longhaul fleet and premium service training in order to further increase the customers satisfaction and sustain competitive advantage (British Airways Annual report 2009). Weaknesses Brand erosion The merge with Iberia and the joint ATI application could cause brand erosion, which will adversely impact relationship with customers and will result in decrease of revenues (British Air ways Annual report 2009).. Breakdown in the bargaining process (unionised workforce) BA planes to cut costs wherever it is possible in order to survive the difficult financial times. In this respect, the airline plans to cut 1,700 jobs and to freeze pay for current staff, in accordance to BBC News. This will increase the risk of workers strike actions, which will interrupt operations and adversely affect business performance (British Air ways Annual report 2009). Failure of a key supplier BAs sole source of in-flight meals at Heathrow was Gate Gourmet. In 2005 Gate Gourmet failed to supply BA with the necessary in-flight meals due to internal argument with its staff over working conditions, which led to a strike supported by BAs own workers. This caused major operational disruption in BA, which resulted in huge additional costs of 40 million  £ (Waters, 2007). This is one example for how a failure of a key supplier may cause disruption to the operations of the airline and adversely affect business performance. Another such example is BAs dependence on fuel supply. Any problem as contamination or breakdown in the infrastructure that provides jet fuel to Heathrow will cause a huge operational impact. Failure to prevent or respond to a major safety or security incident A major security failure could consequently damage the reputation of BA as a high secure airline (British Airways Annual report 2009). Failure to adopt an integrated environmental strategy BA markets itself as being a responsible airline. BA has set industry-leading targets for reducing its carbon emissions from 110 to 83 grammes per passenger kilometre between 2005 and 2025 and to halve its net CO2 emissions till 2005. Failure to implement this strategy could damage the reputation of BA as a responsible company (British Airways Annual report 2009). Substantial debt burden BAs net debt in 2009 is  £2,382 million, which represents an increase of  £1,072 million in comparison to the previous year. Accordingly, the companys net debt to total capital ratio is 27.6% higher than the previous year. The substantial increase in debt obligations means that considerable part of BAs operational cash flow will be spent on interest, principal and lease payments. This not only lowers the ability of the company to finance working capital and other general corporate requirements, but also limits its flexibility in planning and reacting to environmental changes (British Airways Annual report 2009). Overdependence on the European market According to Datamonitor 62.5% of BAs profit is made from serving the European Market. Taking into consideration the current unfavourable economic situation in European, the overdependence on this weak market will prevent the company from increasing its future profits. Organizational Structure and Processes There are major factors that influence an organizations strategic position, for instance, it might be its overall strategic purpose and corporate governance policy, expectations of stakeholders, social responsibility and ethics are also part of this list. The recent annual report 2008-2009 shows that BA places high importance on corporate governance. The Board is responsible for the leadership of the organization to the shareholders. Accordingly, The Board directs the Companys risk assessment, resource management, strategic planning and financial and operational management to ensure that obligations to shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met (Annual report 2008-2009, p. 56). The principal-agent conflict might arise owing to the leadership of the business by managers, whereas they might put their interests first instead of meeting shareholders interests ladder (Johnson et al., 2009). The New Companies Act from 2006 aims to overcome this problem though. Authority and control responsibilities are determined by the clear organizational structure of BA. The companys personnel is highly qualified which is assured through the thorough recruitment process, the internal performance appraisal system and the appropriate training requirements. The performance of employees is evaluated according to action plans and targets established by the performance appraisal system to ensure that employees have all the skills necessary to complete their responsibilities. Clear and specific objectives are established for the staff in order to make their contribution to the overall performance of the company more transparent. This increases the motivation and the responsibilities awareness of the staff. Also the staff is trained to behave in a way that will create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the work place and that they are happy to work for BA. In order to measure its performance and to make its managers accountable for delivery of the set targets BA uses a comprehensive management accounting system. This system provides financial and operational performance measurement indicators which allow the company to regulate its expenses more accurately and make financial decisions more precisely. Customer recommendation carried out by an independent research company assessed the number of satisfied customers and is supposed to be a one of the most significant indicators due to the potential to affect the profitability in the future. Companys operations are evaluated via a broad scope of methods across a variety of levels; however, the most important is departure functionality. It consequently shows that the other processes are performed in a high standard and ultimately effects customer satisfaction. (British Airways Annual Report 2009). British Airways Current and Future Strategy Perspective Based on Porters generic strategies, British Airways strategic analysis is built under the importance of employing a plan through one of the three strategies, Differentiation, Overall Cost Leadership and Focus. Those three strategies are relevant factors on the process of outperforming competitors in the industry. Even though it is possible to pursue more than one strategy, this is rarely seen because of their own different characteristics as will be evident on this topic. After the initial analysis of British Airways current situation in the air travel industry, it is clear that during all its modern history as a passenger carrier, the company stayed committed to its principles and invested on what could enforce its plans to continue being very successful. As a leading airline company its brand was always associated with the best service and treat available to customers in the market. In this point of view, the company service differentiation strategies and development of new services appear to be the considerable competitive advantage to outperform its competitors. There are some authors that argue in favour that differentiation and overall cost leadership are not always mutually exclusive although it is very complicated to match both strategies in most industries. However, the market is showing a rising positive trend to companies with an overall cost leadership strategy and they are growing their market share considerably. It becomes obvious that BA could not ignore low-cost rivals if the company wants to sustain its market position. Therefore, BA established a low-cost company called Go, created in response to falling profits after 1998 due to the emerging no-frills companies. Go was later sold to easyJet in 2002 it was a proof that an opposite price-based strategy is difficult to be applied even creating a new company under the same governance. The cost leadership strategic failure pushed the company to focus on differentiating its services even more. Nevertheless, in some price sensitive segments the differentiation strategy might not be sufficient to compete successfully. Therefore, BA concentrates on long-haul flights where there are not no frills companies. Furthermore, the company operates slots on popular and convenient airports such as Heathrow, what further attracts some short-haul customers (Kumar, 2006). Additionally, BA has successfully segmented its markets by offering different ticket classes which allows them to attract price sensitive customers from no frills airlines as well as manage to cover costs and increase revenues. The airline also succeeded to reduce costs through the successful implementation and management of an online booking system. BA tries to increase the economies of scale by raising the frequency of flights to popular holiday destinations like Caribbean islands or seasonal increase in the frequency of flights to religious destinations like Mecca and Vatican (Kumar, 2006). All these strategies made BA very successful during the last few years (in 2007 BA achieved the highest profit in its history) and created competitive advantages over companys traditional and low cost competitors. Reducing cost activities are taking place since 2008 over the companys renewal strategies in order to fight against the short-term crisis effects. Job-cutting would increase profitability within the company in short term, but this could lead to decrease in the quality of customer service. Furthermore, job-cuttings would lead also to confrontations with unions and employee strikes, which will disrupt the companys operations. Hence, this change in the organisational structure could damage BAs image reputation as a premium service airline in the long run. Other problems are the companys  £2.7bn pension deficit and its high debt burden. On the other hand, in an innovation sense, after huge investments and improvements on operating activities, a proof of the continually effort to maintain its first quality standard is the new terminal in Heathrow airport, which brings lots of new facilities to customers and improvement of conditions at the working place to all its employees. Despite the impact of the recent recession, in comparison to easyJet, British Airways is focused on pursuing to offer its customers the best possible service that makes its brand a synonym of first class, the innovation appears into new customer needs, environmental forces and trends to reinforce its differentiation for which people are willing to pay more. To cope with future environment trends BA has started tuning its current strategy and differentiating itself from competitors according to new patterns of responsible attitude, especially within big companies. To adapt its structure to a green efficient standard is not an easy process and requires huge investments. The environmental concern is a topic highly discussed worldwide and has become a popular issue; BA is certainly paying attention to that and has the objective of becoming reference as the most responsible airline. Sustaining and developing its current strategy BA believes that is the right decision in order to achieve always the best possible satisfaction of its stakeholders. To illustrate British Airways future actions, for instance, Terminal 5 is a set of procedures already working that underpins BAs long-term goal of creating a world-leading global premium airline with a reputation for being the very best at meeting its customers needs, according to its website, for instance: à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ At T5, most of the rainwater will be collected and re-used for non-potable uses. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ 85% of T5s heat will be supplied by excess heat produced from the Heathrow heat and power station. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ 30,000 native woodland plants and 4,000 trees and shrubs are being planted around T5. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ Smarter runway and airport design means aircraft engines idle less, reducing emissions. Aircraft will do less taxiing too. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ T5 offers 96 Check-in Kiosks designed to eliminate queuing. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ The rapid transit system connection between the two buildings making up T5 means youll move swiftly and smoothly to where you need to be. à ¢Ã‹â€ â„ ¢ The baggage system has been designed to move your baggage efficiently to the aircraft ready for departure and to minimise waiting time when you land. In addition to that, a new internal program developed in parallel with the 2012 Olympic Games spirit has definitely enforced the importance of BAs culture, which has the customer as its core. Compete 2012 aims to inspire the spirit of team work and competition in all corners of the company, and as a result establish a level of excellence that competitors aspire to. The strategy of being one of the UK sponsors and the official airline for the event matches BAs future vision and reinforce its credibility among its target customers. Above, they are examples of the evolution in British Airways culture that, when added to the companys capabilities and competences and the strengths earlier described, its value chain can be clearly understood. The evolution of BAs strategy easily refers to Porters conclusion that competitive advantage frequently comes from perceiving new ways to configure and manage the entire value system. In terms of suitability, BAs current strategy successfully exploits its core competences and unique resources and allows the company to respond appropriately to key environmental trends such as economic downturn, political and legal changes and changes in social perceptions. Also their strategy is aligned with their culture. However, the current differentiation strategy could prevent some of BAs weaknesses such as brand erosion. In terms of feasibility of the strategy, BA has the financial resources and competences to invest and differentiate furt
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