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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Environmental Ethical Issues Essay
Ecological morals is the order that reviews the ethical status, relationship and estimation of people to nature, alongside its nonhuman substance. It is the part of ecological way of thinking that broadens the regular limits of morals that exclusively takes on people by grasping the nonhuman world. It utilizes effect on a huge assortment of orders including geology, nature, financial matters, religious philosophy, humanism and law. Consistently, this order analyzed issues concerning an unnatural weather change and ozone consumption, vitality use and creation, poisonous waste, water quality, termination, tropical deforestation, fisheries the board, ranger service the executives and waste administration. History While nature was the focal point of consideration of various nineteenth and twentieth century theory, the cutting edge ecological morals just came into see as an academic order during the 1970s. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1963, is among the accessible work that caused to notice the emergency (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). Carson’s work is comprised of a few papers prior distributed in the New Yorker magazine pointing how pesticides like deildrin, aldrin and DDT mixed entirely through the food web. Carson guesses that business cultivating rehearses structured at abusing crop benefits and yields are fit for influencing both open and natural wellbeing. On the other hand, in 1967, student of history Lynn White Jr. contends that the verifiable foundation of the natural emergency is people’s Judeo-Christian way of thinking that advances the overexploitation of condition (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). White recommends that the disposition continues human predominance over each other living thing on earth and communicates that nature is made for human abuse. White’s hypothesis is broadly talked about ever, religious philosophy and has been presented to various sociological testing, on it being over and over examined by rationalists. In 1968, Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford scientist, distributed â€Å"The Population Bomb,†cautioning that the acceleration of human populace will jeopardize the ecological systems’ capacity to give life-support (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). Likewise, the forester Aldo Leopold had additionally battled for the preservation and energy about condition (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The worries were enlivened by a mix of tasteful and moral reactions to nature and an upbraiding to hostile financial methodologies that subverts the essentialness of the earth. Taken in general, be that as it may, the various perspectives of the previously mentioned thinkers have likewise prompted the rise of sensibly differing natural morals. Recent developments Currently, natural morals are setting down issues in various zones of the bio network. For example, the World Health Organization affirms that pesticide harming, especially in creating nations, causes very nearly 50,000 passings consistently; while the US Office of Technology Assessment guarantees that in excess of 90 percent of every single human disease are naturally initiated and are clearly avoidable (Frechette, n. d. , p. 2). Some accept that the significant culprit of this problem is mechanical contamination, considering the way that the malignancy rate is likely following along the industrialization rate everywhere throughout the world. Nonetheless, the most clear result that dishonest utilization of the earth has brought today is the steady changes in the worldwide atmosphere. There is currently a huge logical simultaneousness that an Earth-wide temperature boost is going on and human animated the said issue. With an Earth-wide temperature boost on the ascent and species and living spaces waning, the probabilities for biological systems to normally adjust are decreasing. As needs be, the supporters of ecological morals have a similar sentiment that something should be finished with respect to environmental change and a dangerous atmospheric devation. Future Numerous individuals agree that environmental change might be perhaps the best issue in ecological morals later on. Nonetheless, there are different issues in natural morals that are relied upon to proceed later on including the wild annihilation, squander, species eradication, asset exhaustion, neediness, populace, atomic weapons, marine contamination, vitality, environments, deforestation, climatic contamination and the most underestimated hereditary designing. In the United States, about 75 percent of its prepared food contains different hereditarily altered fixings (McLean, 2008). Despite the fact that people were at that point modifying crops some time before the appearance of current biotechnology and hereditary qualities; notwithstanding, with the developing human populace and the impacts of environmental change, it is significantly progressively expected that this procedure will turn out to be outstandingly pervasive later on. Ecological morals in food crops hereditary building makes issues like up and coming risks to the untamed life and condition; potential financial outcomes; looming perils to human wellbeing; and potential to open certainty caused somehow or another by refusal to mark hereditarily altered nourishments thusly (McLean, 2008). The field of ecological morals is clearly significant as it is worried about the definition of humans’ moral commitments with respect to the earth. A few ideas created to give answer for certain issues incorporate government mediation and market disappointment, monetary effectiveness, esteeming natural assets, and the connection between the total economy and the earth. In any case, without the inclusion of the various enormous polluters, it might be normal that these ideas will miss the mark. End The combination of lawful, political and moral discussions concerning the earth, the development of mentalities that reinforce basic entitlements activism and the puzzles about whether a domain ethic is something new or just an augmentation or alteration of existing moral hypotheses are ceaselessly uncovered in more extensive political and social developments. In light of the developing worry for nature and the result that human activities bring upon the earth, it is clear that the field of ecological morals will be considerably progressively fundamental in times to come. In any case, in spite of these changes brought about by unique methods of reasoning, each one should vitally recollect the essential guideline that natural activities are moral when it will in general shield the magnificence, security, and trustworthiness of the ecological network and it is untrustworthy when it tends something else. References Frechette, K. S. (n. d. ). Moral Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health. Relationship of Schools of Public Health. Recovered May 7, 2009, from http://www.asph. organization/UserFiles/Module7. pdf McLean, M. R. (2008). The Future of Food: An Introduction to the Ethical Issues in Genetically Modified Foods. Santa Clause Clara University. Recovered May 8, 2009, from http://www. scu. edu/morals/rehearsing/focusareas/clinical/meeting/introductions/hereditarily changed nourishments. html Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2008, January 3). Ecological Ethics. Recovered May 7, 2009, from http://plato. stanford. edu/sections/morals
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jadwal Kuliah Essay Example
Jadwal Kuliah Essay 2013 The Period of February †July Course Schedule MASTER OF MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 1|P a g e ? ? ? ? ? ? Pre-MBA Batch 62 Regular Class International Class KK-Diknas II Reg. Class Executive Class KK-MA Executive Class The List of Lecturer of Pre-MBA Batch 62 The time of February †July 2013 Nr. COURSE CREDIT SESSION LECTURER CLASS A CLASS B Preliminary Session 1 IFM 2 IB 3 4 CLASS C (swj) Prof. Dr. Suwardjono, M. Sc. Prologue to Financial Management 3 36 aa Ahmad Amin, S. E. , M. B. A. , Ak. sgt Sugiarto, Drs. , M. B. A, M. Acc. adh Abdul Halim, Drs. , MBA, Dr. , Prof. We will compose a custom paper test on Jadwal Kuliah explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Jadwal Kuliah explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Jadwal Kuliah explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Prologue to Business 2 24 wp Widya Paramita, S. E. , M. Sc. sdy Sudiyanti, S. E. , M. Sc. ror Rokhima Rostiani, S. E. , M. Mgt. IEM Introductory Economics for Managers 3 42 stw Soetatwo Hadiwigeno, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. srt Soeratno, Drs. , M. Ec. , Dr. bsh Budiono Sri Handoko, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. SBD Statistics for Business Decision 3 42 ah M. Adnan Hadjam, Drs. , MA chs Christiana Suparmi, Dra. , SU. ssl Samsubar Saleh, Drs. , M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. The List of Lecturer of Diknas Class Semester III The time of February †July 2013 Nr. Course Credit Session Lecturer Class A 1 2 BSRM 3 PR 4 WT Workshop Tesis 5 1|P a g e LI Leadership and Innovation 3 42 TH Tesis hh Hani Handoko, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. Conduct and Social Research Methods 3 Project 3 42 wnl 42 hrm Class B gk Gugup Kismono, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D I Wayan Nuka Lantara, S. E. , M. Si. , Ph. D. iwk Indra Wijaya Kusuma, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. , Prof. Harmanto, Drs. , M. Si. (Organizer) hrm Harmanto, Drs. , M. Si. (Organizer) The List of Lecturer of International Class The time of February †July 2013 Nr. Bunch Credit Session 1 FM Financial Management Course 61 3 42 mama Marwan Asri, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. , Prof. 2 MM Marketing Management 61 3 42 ssn Sahid Susilo Nugroho, Drs. M. Sc. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. 3 OB Organizational Behavior 61 3 42 sst Sari Sitalaksmi, S. E. , M. Mgt. , Ph. D. 4 BL Business Law 61 2 30 pps Paripurna P. S. , Drs. , SH, M. Murmur. , Dr. 5 OM Operations Management 61 3 42 wsc Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, Drs. , M. B. A. , M. P. M. , Ph. D. 6 BE Business Ethics 61 3 42 dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. 7 SIT Systems and Information Technology 60 3 42 jgy Jogiyanto Hartono, Drs. , MBA, CMA. , Ph. D. , Prof. 8 MCS Management Control Systems 60 3 42 covert agent Supriyadi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. 9 SM Strategic Management 60 3 42 ra Rangga Almahendra, S. T. , M. M. , Ph. D. 10 GBE General Business Environment 60 3 54 †Course outline bsd Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. †Demographical condition dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. †Social condition da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †Cultural condition Lecturer †Domestic world of politics mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †International world of politics mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †Natural condition sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. †Technological condition: Information Technology jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. Ph. D. , Prof. †Technological condition: Processing innovation krk Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto, Dr. , Prof. †Governmental condition wk Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP. , Dr. , Prof. †Economic advancement la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. †Regional economy tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. †Industry sectoral approaches mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. †Monetary financial approaches sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. Introduction and class conversation (Session 15 16) bsd Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. bsd Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. Business Communication 59 60 3 42 djs Djoko Susanto, Drs. , MSA. , Ak. , Ph. D. , Prof. BRM Business Research Methods 59 60 3 42 zb Zaki Baridwan, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 13 WT Workshop Thesis 59 1 14 TH Thesis 59 3 Presentation and class conversation (Session 17 18) 11 12 2|P a g e BC The List of Lecturer of Regular Class The time of February †July 2013 Nr. Course Batch Credit Lecturer Session Class A Class B Class C 1 FM Financial Management 61 3 42 sh Suad Husnan, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. whole Sumiyana, Drs. , M. Si. , Dr. et Eduardus Tandelilin, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. 2 MM Marketing Management 61 3 2 ssn Sahid Susilo Nugroho, Drs. , M. Sc. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. swi Sari Winahjoe S. , Dra. , MBA tb Teguh Budiarto, Drs. , MIM. 3 OB Organizational Behavior 61 3 42 epn Edi Prasetyo Nugroho, Drs. , MBA. 4 BL Business Law 61 2 30 mf Mukti Fajar, SH, M. Murmur. , Dr. 5 OM Operations Management 61 3 42 bdh 6 BE Business Ethics 61 3 42 es 7 SIT Systems and Information Technology 60 3 42 jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 8 MCS Management Control Systems 60 3 42 ssg 9 SM Strategic Management 60 3 42 10 GBE General Business Environment 60 3 54 Reni Rosari, Dra. , MBA. drw Diah Retno Wulandaru, Dra. , MBA. hwn rr M. Hawin, SH, LLM, Ph. D. , Prof. hwn M. Hawin, SH, LLM, Ph. D. , Prof. Budi Hartono, S. T. , M. P. M. , Ph. D. khw Kuncoro Hartowidodo, Ir. , M. Eng. , Ph. D. sut Sutrisno, Ir. , MSME, Ph. D. Eko Suwardi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. spy Supriyadi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. ms Mahfud Sholihin, SE. , M. Acc. , Ph. D. swr Sony Warsono, Drs. , MAFIS, Ph. D. swr Sony Warsono, Drs. , MAFIS, Ph. D. Slamet Sugiri, Drs. , M. B. A. , Dr. , Prof. frn Fuad Rakhman, S. E. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. sm Setiyono Miharjo, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. ast Agus Setiawan, Drs. , M. Soc. Sc. , Ph. D en Ertambang Nahartyo, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. en Ertambang Nahartyo, Drs. M. Sc. , Ph. D. †Course outline bsd Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. †Demographical condition dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. †Social condition da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. †Cultural condition dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †Domestic world of politics Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †International world of politics mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. †Natural condition sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. †Technological condition: Information Technology jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. †Technological condition: Processing innovation krk Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto, Dr. , Prof. zpl Zuprizal, Dr. , Prof. zpl Zuprizal, Dr. , Prof. †Governmental condition po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. †Economic advancement la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. la L incolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. †Regional economy tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. †Industry sectoral approaches 3|P a g e mmd mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sa (Session 15 16) †Presentation and class conversation (Session 17 18) sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. bsd †Presentation and class conversation Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. bsd †Monetary financial approaches Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. psp Pr asetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. Ida Rochani, Dra. , S. U. , Dr. ds Djoko Susanto, Drs. , M. S. A. , Ak. , Ph. D. , Prof. Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. wnl I Wayan Nuka Lantara, S. E. , M. Si. , Ph. D. 11 BC Business Communication 59 3 42 ir Ida Rochani, Dra. , S. U. , Dr. 12 BRM Business Research Methods 59 3 42 zb Zaki Baridwan, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 13 WT Workshop Thesis 59 1 42 14 TH Thesis 59 3 42 ir bsd The List of Lecturer of Concentration Class The time of February †July 2013 Nr. Course Batch Credit Session Lecturer 1 PTM Portfolio Management 60 3 42 sh Suad Husnan, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. 2 MF Multinational Finance 59 3 42 ee Erni Ekawati, Dra. , M. B. A. , M. S. A. , Ph. D. 3 FRM Financial Risk Management 60 3 42
Friday, August 14, 2020
Benefits of the Cozy Wellness Trend Hygge
Benefits of the Cozy Wellness Trend Hygge July 19, 2019 More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships Do you love curling up with a blanket, a cup of coffee and a good book? You might already be practicing Hygge more than you think. Hygge is a concept originated in Danish culture that focuses on living with a sense of comfort, coziness, and peace. It has been described as, creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. There is a debate on the proper pronunciation of the word Hygge, either hue-guh or hoo-gah, but what is so intriguing about this concept is that there are actual health benefits to living a Hygge-focused lifestyle. Benefits of Hygge There have been a variety of benefits tied to the practice of hygge. Happiness researchers continually find Denmark to have some of the happiest people on Earth, which Danes attribute to the practice of hygge. Feeling increased happiness could certainly be a perk of practicing Hygge, but there may be other emotional, physical and relationship benefits as well. Emotional Benefits Hygge decor is intended to promote a sense of calm and peace in the living space. Since we make sense of, our experiences and environment through the use of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, it may come as no surprise that creating a cozy living space would help us feel less anxious and promote a sense of emotional well-being and safety. These feeling of comfort and safety can better allow us, and those sharing the space with us, to let down our guards and be more present and open to connecting with one another. Examples of possible emotional benefits may include: Less depression and anxietyIncreased feelings of self-worthIncreased optimismLowered stressGreater sense of mindfulnessImproved self-compassionIncreased practice of gratitude Physical Benefits When we feel safe and calm, our body responds accordingly. It is in moments of perceived danger or threat that our bodies naturally go into a response of fight, flight, or freeze. A hygge-style environment promotes an atmosphere of safety and comfort, where our minds and bodies can feel more relaxed. In a space like this, there is much less need for us to scan our environment for threats. Examples of possible physical benefits may include: Improved sleepWeight regulationFewer cortisol (stress hormone) spikesImproved practice of self-careReduced need for unhealthy coping behaviors like alcohol or drugs Social Benefits When we feel comfortable and emotionally safe, we are more likely to reach out to build and nurture connections with others. In a hygge-focused lifestyle, there is an emphasis on connecting with family, friends and loved ones. Spending time with those who are most important to us creates a sense of belonging and connection that research continues to show impacts our health and well-being. We feel more confident when connected with others, we feel safe to take risks and we are more open to practicing vulnerability with others, all things that can be facilitated within an hygge-style living space. Examples of possible social benefits may include: Focus on togethernessFeelings of comfort and safetyIncreased trust Increased intimacyNew social connectionsImproved existing relationshipsLess reliance on social media How to Use Hygge in Your Life Most of us would enjoy feeling happy, peaceful and cozy, but do we have to move to Denmark in order to fully embrace the Hygge lifestyle? No! There are many easy ways that we can incorporate elements of hygge into our daily lives and our living spaces. Implementing some of these elements can start bringing you those feeling of peace, connection, and comfort in your everyday life. Lighting Lighting is an essential part of creating a sense of hygge in the living space. The use of warm, soft white light creates an inviting and comfortable space compared to harsh, bright white bulbs or fluorescent lighting. Remember that the higher the lumens on the bulb, the brighter the light. You may also elect to install a dimmer to have options for lighting the space the way you want. Another method is to use floor lamps rather than overhead lighting. Overhead lights can create light that is too bright for the room and may feel institutional. Using floor and table lamps allow for lighting to create a more intimate space, lighting areas where people would be sitting to read, relax and talk with each other. Lastly, candles are a hallmark light sourced used within a hygge-style space. Candles inherently create a warm, soft light and a sense of relaxation and comfort so popular with this style. If open-flamed candles present too much of a hazard for your living space due to pets or children, you can elect to use LED candles. Texture Hygge is all about things that feel soft and cozy. You will want to incorporate soft accessories like blankets, throws, pillows, and rugs to create a warm, inviting space. The soft textures are calming and allow us to feel soothed when our anxieties run high. Soft textures allow others to feel safe in the space as well, calming fears and allowing people to open up more with each other. Conversations can feel more calm and open in this space, rather than feeling rushed or pressured. Decor A calming environment can be created with the use of accessories, such as wood elements, indoor plants and simple, clean decor. Try to use pieces that have special meaning such as pictures of family and loved ones. You can place photo albums on the coffee table with pictures of travel or experiences that youve shared with others. Hygge is about warmth and connection, so use decor to draw people in and create conversation. Warmth Warmth is not so much about the temperature as it is a feeling of emotional warmth. A fireplace is a hallmark trait of a hygge-style space but that is not an option for everyone. Anything that you can do to create that kind of inviting, warm space will be a plus. Examples of this would be candles and displays that use accent lighting. You can also use small string lights in certain areas of the home to help create that inviting warmth that a fireplace would give the space. Color The colors chosen for a living space are a significant part of setting a cozy stage for yourself and your guests. Neutral colors are often chosen, particularly whites, soft whites, blushes, and soft browns. The use of neutral colors on the wall actually help to calm your mind as well, which fits with this particular style of living. Hygge is about calm, soft, soothing and comfortable. In other words, hygge promotes an anti-anxiety environment for living and spending time with close friends and loved ones. People Experiencing a meaningful connection with others is at the heart of hygge-style living. The goal is to be present and connect with the people around you. In nurturing these relationships we are allowing ourselves and others to experience a sense of belonging. When we that we belong, we feel emotional safety. Emotional safety, in turn, creates a positive social experience and allows us to feel the physical benefit of ease, calm and connection. Activity Hygge-style activities typically involve things that help us feel peaceful, cozy and connected with others. Gatherings with friends in the home are a primary activity. Gatherings are focused on the connection with others, not the presentation. There is no need for a formal black-tie affair. In fact, hygge living would suggest just the opposite. Gatherings should offer a space that is casual, inviting and offers people a place to feel comfortable and focus on relationships and connecting with one another. Consider a game night with friends, having friends or neighbors over for coffee or hosting a book night. How to Use Hygge at Work You can easily implement hygge elements in your workspace. Work is a place where we might find it challenging to take care of ourselves or to create an environment focused on peace and calm. Find small, safe ways to create change in your space to help promote a sense of calm. You will find it easier to enjoy the space, which could lead to better productivity and job satisfaction. Ideas to try: Accent lamp with soft-white lightingSmall potted succulent plantAppropriate sized area rug to place in your workspacePictures of family and friends A Word From Verywell Hygge is all about comfort, peace, and connection. The benefits of implementing some of these elements reach across our emotional health, physical health and our social health. Incorporating some of these ideas into your living environment may offer you a space that is relaxing, inviting to others and great for your health and well-being.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
My Student Loans - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 975 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Finance Essay Level High school Tags: Student Loan Essay Did you like this example? Why I defaulted on My Student Loans written by Lee Siegel shares personal experiences when he was young of why he defaulted on student loans. Loan Default can be described as when a person fails to pay of their loan that was given to them on a specific date. Siegel recommends that college graduates should take his route if you owe a lot of money. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Student Loans" essay for you Create order The route that Siegel chose was to borrow money from the Board of Education, and go to a private rather than a state. Thousands of youthful graduates are conveying thousands to a huge number of dollars in understudy credit obligation, understudies are right now confronting a heap of a monetary test. As difficult as it has been. Ive never looked back. The millions of young people today, who collectively owe over $ 1 trillion in loans, may want to consider my example(38). A longside grants, corporations, and awards, understudy credits are an imperative strategy for financing post-auxiliary instruction. With educational cost rising, more understudies are obtaining to pay for school instruction today. Nonetheless, not all understudies understand the weight of paying back their understudy credits. Millions of teenagers moreover millions of college educated students ignore student loan , and ends up affecting them in further life. Lee Siegel emphasizes that the U.S. Department of Education is losing money due to students not paying their student loan debt off. Moreover additional students are defaulting their student loans. Student Loans should not be ignored or get to the point of where he/she defaults them.In a passage Siegel mentions how people are blind to reality, and how that his heart goes out to them. He says how that the circumstances that he was once in will basically never be as worst than that. In this passage Siegel acknowledges that people are currently in the same situation that he was in when he was young. Throughout, the article he gives advice for young teenagers moreover high school graduates that are planning on heading to a university. Even though, default student loans have become a major issue you need to know how to avoid them. Students need to comprehend what budgeting is, and how it can help them. Budgeting can enable understudies to arrange their exercises, creating budgetary destinations, uncover wasteful, ineffectual, or unordinary use of assets, make relatives mindful to utilize cash admirably, and permit acknowledgment of issues before they happen. Albeit great record keeping is required for the financial backing to be useful, once understudies get themselves on a general calendar of planning their funds it turns out to be simply one more day by day/month to month routine of life.Although, Siegel recommends that students should take his route you should not. Student loan default is the worst path to take in order to pay off your college tuition or even if you want to go to a college. A path you can take in order to not have any student loan debt is going to a local community college. Many students are in a rush to go to a university right out of high school, and chose a major that they arent very interested in. High school students that go straight to a university , and are not completely ready for the loan that they will have to pay off is incredible. It has been stated that americans that come out of college owe over $1.48 trillion dollars worldwide. In 2016 a class that graduated from a university moreover a specific student owed $37,172 in student loan debt. For example , my brother goes to UC Berkeley and my sister goes to Duke ( scholarship for soccer ) each month or every two months my parents are paying an average of 30 thousand dollars in order to attend a college of that sort. Even though , they go to that college my parents were mentally prepared to pay of each month the deposit that you would have to put in. Students that are not prepared to pay off their student loans should not rush to go a university , because than later you would have more money building up that you would have to pay off. Another, reason why you shouldnt take Siegels route is because it can ruin your credit. A persons credit score is everything its what allows you to buy a car, get a house/apartment, and anything you can think of most probably your credit score is involved in. For example, my mom forgot to pay off my brothers credit score so now we owe $4,000 to the bank/credit loan. Credit loan is a tremendous problem in todays society , because many people think they can just spend as much money as they want. Even though, you can get whatever you want in the future youre going to have to pay it off so you dont want to go overboard with it ever. Furthermore, Siegel recommends that how you shouldnt go into student loans if you havent saved up enough money in order to get out of it. A way you can save up enough money if you want to go into default student loans is by creating a savings account. A savings account is similar to a bank account rather you put a certain amount of money into your savings , and overtime you earn interest. Every student as well as the youth should have a savings account which usually the parents provide with at a young age. Student loan default has become a major issue throughout many years. Currently the Department of Education is in the process of fixing this issue. Enough then all the pieties about debt that have become absorbed into all the pieties about higher education might be brought into alignment with reality. The government should not guaranteed loans, but rather give students a chance to learn and pay for their college education.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 27~28 Free Essays
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN The Found World The whale ship opened its mouth, and Nate and the crew spilled out onto the shore like sentient drool, which was some coincidence, since that’s exactly what lay beneath the hard shell of the landing. They were met by a group of whaley boys, one of whom handed Nate a pair of Nikes, then went off to trade clicks and squeals and greeting rubs with the returning crew. It was so bright after nearly ten days in the whale ship that Nate couldn’t immediately tell what was happening. We will write a custom essay sample on Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 27~28 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The rest of the human crew were wearing sunglasses as they sat down on the ground to put on their shoes, only a few feet from the ship’s mouth. From the rigid feel of the ground, Nate thought they might be on a dock of some kind, but then Cal Burdick took off his own sunglasses and handed them to Nate. â€Å"Go ahead. I’ve been looking at all of this for a lot of years, but I think you’ll find it interesting.†With the dark glasses, Nate was able to see. His eyes were fine, but his mind was having a hard time processing what they were telling him. It was as light as daylight (on an overcast day, at least), but they were not outdoors. They were inside a grotto so immense that Nate could not even make out the edges of it. A dozen stadiums could have fit inside the space and still left room for a state fair, a casino, and the Vatican if you snipped off a basilica or two. The entire ceiling was a source of light, cold light, it appeared – some sections yellow, some blue – great blotches of light in irregular shapes, as if Jackson Pollock had painted a solar storm across the ceiling. Half of the grotto was water, flat and reflective as a mirror, the smoothness broken by small whaley boys porpoising here and there in groups of five and six, their blowholes sending up synchronized blasts of steam every few yards. Whaley kids, he thought. Fifty or so whale ships of different spec ies pulled up to the shore, their crews coming and going. Huge segmented pipes that looked like giant earthworms were attached to each of the ships, one on each side of the head, and ran off to connections on shore. The ground – the ground was red, and as hard as linoleum, polished, yet not quite shiny. It ran out for hundreds of yards, perhaps over a mile, and appeared to continue halfway up the walls of the immense grotto. Nate could see openings in the walls, oval passages or doorways or tunnels or something. From the size of the people and whaley boys passing in and out, he could tell that some of the openings were perhaps thirty feet around, while others seemed only the size of normal doors. There were windows next to some of the smaller ones – or what he guessed were windows – their shapes all curves and slopes. There wasn’t a right angle in the grotto. Hundreds of people moved about amid as many whaley boys, maintaining the ships, moving supp lies and equipment on what seemed very normal hand trucks and carts. â€Å"Where in the hell are we?†Nate said, nearly wrenching his neck trying to look at all of it at once. â€Å"I mean, what in the hell is this?†â€Å"Pretty amazing,†Cal said. â€Å"I like to watch people when they see Gooville for the first time.†Nate ran his hand over the ground, or floor, or whatever this surface was they were sitting on. â€Å"What is this stuff?†It appeared smooth, but it had texture, pores, a hidden roughness, like stoneware or – â€Å"It’s living carapace. Like a lobster shell. This whole place is living, Nate. Everything – the ceiling, the floor, the walls, the passageway in from the sea, our homes – it’s all one huge organism. We call it the Goo.†â€Å"The Goo. Then this is Gooville?†â€Å"Yes,†Cal said, with a big smile that revealed perfect teeth. â€Å"And that would make you?†â€Å"That’s right. The Goos. There’s a wonderful Seussian logic to it, don’t you think?†â€Å"I can’t think, Cal. You know how all your life you hear people talk about things that are mind-boggling? It’s just a meaningless clich – a hyperbole – like saying that you’re wasted or that something is bloodcurdling?†â€Å"Yep.†â€Å"Well, I’m boggled. I’m totally boggled.†â€Å"You thought the ships were impressive, huh?†â€Å"Yeah, but this? One living organism shaped itself into this complex†¦ what? System? I’m boggled.†â€Å"Imagine how the bacteria who live in your intestinal tract feel about you.†â€Å"Well, right now I think they’re pissed off at me.†A group of whaley boys was gathering about ten yards away from them, pointing at Nate and snickering. â€Å"They’re coming down to check out the newcomer. Don’t be surprised if you get rubbed up against in the streets. They’re just saying hi.†â€Å"Streets?†â€Å"We call them streets. They’re sort of streets.†Now, out of the dim yellow light of the whale ships, Nate realized that there was a wide variety in the whaley boys’ coloring. Some were actually mottled blue, like the skin of a blue whale, while others were black like a pilot whale, or light gray like a minke whale. Some even had the black-on-white coloring of killers and Pacific white-sided dolphins, while a few here and there were stark white like a beluga. The body shapes of all were very similar, differing only in size, with the killer whaley boys, who were taller by a foot and heavier by perhaps a hundred pounds, having jaws twice the width of the others’. He also noticed in the brighter light that he was the only human who had a tan. The people, even Cal and the crew, looked healthy; it just appeared that none of them had ever seen the sun. Like the British. Nuà ±ez came over and helped Cal, and then Nate, to his feet. â€Å"How’re the shoes?†she asked Nate. â€Å"They’re strange after not wearing any for so long.†â€Å"You’ll be wobbly for a few hours, too. You’ll feel the motion when you stand still for a day or so. No different from having been at sea in normal ship. I’ll take you to your new quarters, show you around a little, get you settled in. The Colonel will probably send for you before too long. People will help you out, humans and whaley boys. They’ll all know you’re new.†â€Å"How many, Cielle?†â€Å"Humans? Almost five thousand live here. Whaley boys, maybe half that many.†â€Å"Where is here? Where are we?†â€Å"I told him about Gooville,†said Cal. Nuà ±ez looked up at Nate and then pulled her sunglasses down on her nose so he could see her eyes. â€Å"Don’t freak out on me, huh?†Nate shook his head. What did she think, that whatever she was going to tell him was going to be weirder, grander, or scarier than what he’d seen already? â€Å"The roof above this ceiling – which is thick rock, although we’re not exactly sure how thick – anyway, it’s around six hundred feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. We’re about two hundred miles off the coast of Chile, under the continental shelf. In fact, we came in through a cliff in the continental rise, a cliff face. â€Å"We’re six hundred feet underwater right now. The pressure?†â€Å"We came in through a very long tunnel, a series of pressure locks that pass the ships along until we’re at surface pressure. I would have shown you as we came through, but I didn’t want to wake you.†â€Å"Yeah, thanks for that.†â€Å"Let’s get you to your new house. We’ve got a long walk ahead of us.†She headed away from the water, motioning for him to follow. Nate nearly stumbled trying to look back at the whale ships lining the harbor. Tim caught him by the arm. â€Å"It’s a lot to take in. People really have freaked out. You just have to accept that the Goo won’t let anything bad happen to you. The rest is simply a series of surprises. Like life.†Nate looked into the younger man’s dark eyes to see if there was any irony showing there, but he was as open and sincere as a bowl of milk. â€Å"The Goo will take care of me?†â€Å"That’s right,†said Tim, helping him along toward the grotto wall, toward the actual village of Gooville, with its organically shaped doorways and windows, its knobs and nodules, its lobster-shell pathways, its whaley-boy pods working together or playing in the water, where was housed an entire village of what Nate assumed were all happy human wackjobs. After two days of looking for meaning in hash marks on waveforms and ones and ohs on legal pads that were hastily typed into the machine, Kona found a surfer/hacker on the North Shore named Lolo who agreed to write it all into a Linux routine in exchange for Kona’s old long board and a half ounce of the dankest nugs[1]. â€Å"Won’t he just take cash?†asked Clay. â€Å"He’s an artist,†explained Kona. â€Å"Everyone has cash.†â€Å"I don’t know what I’m going to put that under for the accountant.†â€Å"Nugs, dank?†Clay looked forlornly at the legal-pad pages piling up on the desk next to where Margaret Painborne was typing. He handed a roll of bills over to Kona. â€Å"Go. Buy nugs. Bring him back. Bring back my change.†â€Å"I’m throwing in my board for the cause,†said Kona. â€Å"I could use some time in the mystic myself.†â€Å"Do you want me to tell Auntie Clair that you tried to extort me?†Clay had taken to using Clair as a sort of sword of Damocles/assistant principal/evil dominatrix threat over Kona, and it seemed to work swimmingly. â€Å"Must blaze, brah. Cool runnings.†Suddenly something sparked in Clay’s head, a dj vu trigger snapping electric with connections. â€Å"Wait, Kona.†The surfer paused in the doorway, turned. â€Å"The first day you came here, the day that Nate sent you to the lab to get the film – did you actually do it?†Kona shook his head, â€Å"Nah, boss, the Snowy Biscuit see me going. She say keep the money and she go to the lab. When I come back with my ganja, she give me the pictures to give to Nate.†â€Å"I was sort of afraid of that,†Clay said. â€Å"Go, blaze, be gone. Get what we need.†So three days later they all stood watching as Lolo hit the return key and the subsonic waveform from a blue-whale call began scrolling across the bottom of the screen, while above it letters were transcribed from the data. Lolo was a year older than Kona, a Japanese-American burned nut brown by the sun with ducky-yellow minidreads and a tapestry of Maori tattoos across his back and shoulders. Lolo spun in the chair to face them. â€Å"I mixed down a fifty-minute trance track with sixty percussion loops that was way harder than this.†Lolo’s prior forays into sound processing had been as a computer DJ at a dance club in Honolulu. â€Å"It’s not saying anything,†said Libby Quinn. â€Å"It’s just random, Clay.†â€Å"Well, that’s the way it’s gone so far, right?†â€Å"But there’s been nothing since that first day.†â€Å"We knew that might happen, that there couldn’t be messages on all of them. We just have to find the right ones.†Libby’s eyes were pleading. â€Å"Clay, it’s a short season. We have to get out in the field. Now that you have this program, you don’t need the manpower. Margaret and I will bring back more tapes – we have them coming in from people we trust – but we can’t afford to blow off the season.†â€Å"And we need to go public with the torpedo range,†Margaret added, less sympathetic than Libby had been. Clay nodded and looked at his bare feet against the hardwood floor. He took a deep breath, and when he looked up, he smiled. â€Å"You’re right. But don’t just blow a whistle and hope someone will notice. Cliff Hyland told me that the diving data was the only thing they were worried about. You’re going to need proof that humpbacks dive close to the bottom of the channel, or the navy will claim that you’re just being whale buggers and there’s no danger to the animals. Even with the range.†â€Å"You’re okay if we go public, then?†asked Libby. â€Å"People are going to know about the torpedo range soon enough. I don’t think that’s dangerous for you. Just don’t say anything about the rest of this, okay?†The two women looked at each other, then nodded. â€Å"We have to go,†Libby said. â€Å"We’ll call you, Clay. We’re not running out on you.†â€Å"I know,†Clay said. After they left, Clay turned to the two surfers. Thirty years working with the best scientists and divers in the world, and this was what it came down to: two stoner kids. â€Å"If you guys need to go do things, I understand.†â€Å"Outta here,†said Lolo, on his feet and bounding toward the door. Clay looked at the screen where Lolo had been sitting. Scrolling across it: WILL ARRIVE GV APPRX 1300 MONDAY__HAVE__SIZE 11 SNEAKERS WAITING FOR QUINN__END MSS__AAAA__BAXYXABUDAB. â€Å"Get him back,†Clay said to Kona. â€Å"We need to know which tape this was.†â€Å"Libby gave them all to him.†â€Å"I know that. I need to know where she got it. Where and when it was recorded. Call Libby’s cell phone. See if you can get hold of her.†Clay was trying to make the screen print before the message scrolled away. â€Å"How the hell does this thing work?†â€Å"How you know I’m not leaving?†â€Å"You woke up this morning, Kona. Did you have a reason to get out of bed other than waves or pot?†â€Å"Yah, mon, need to find Nate.†â€Å"How’d that feel?†â€Å"I’m calling Libby, boss.†â€Å"Loyalty is important, son. I’ll go catch Lolo. Confirm which tape it was.†â€Å"Shut up, boss. I’m trying to dial.†Behind them the cryptic message scrolled out of the printer. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Single-Celled Animal Stockholm syndrome or not, Nate was starting to get tired of the whole hippie-commune, everything-is-wonderful-and-the-Goo-will-provide attitude. Nuà ±ez had come by for three days running to take him out on the town, and every person he met was just a little too damn satisfied with the whole idea that they were living inside a giant organism six hundred feet under the ocean. Like this was a normal thing. Like he just wasn’t getting with the program because he continued to ask questions. At least the whaley boys would blow wet raspberries at him and snicker as he walked by. At least they had some sense of the absurdity of all this, despite the fact that they shouldn’t even have existed in the first place, which did seem to be a large point of denial on their part. They’d installed him in what he guessed was a premier apartment, or what you’d call an apartment, on the second floor, looking out over the grotto. The windows were oval, and the glass in them, although perfectly clear, was flexible. It was like looking out on the world through a condom, and that was just the beginning of the things that creeped him out about this place. He had a kitchen sink, a bathroom sink, and a shower – all of which had big honking sphincters in the bottom of them – and the seal on the door around his refrigerator, if that’s what you called it, appeared to be made out of slugs, or at least something that left an iridescent slime on you if you brushed up against it. There was also a toothed garbage disposal in the kitchen, which he wouldn’t even go near. The worst of it was that the apartment didn’t make any attempt to conceal that it was alive. His first day there, when the human crew from the whale ship had come by for a drink – a housewarming – there had been a scaly knob on the wall by the front door that when pushed would cause the door to open. After the crew left and Nate returned from his shower, the doorknob had healed over. There was a scar there in the shell, but that was all. Nate was locked in. There was a tom-tom thrumming of stones hitting his front picture window. Nate went to the window, looked out on the vast grotto and harbor, then down on the source of his torment. A pod of whaley-boy kids was winging stones at his window. Thump, thump-a, thump. The stones bounced off, leaving no mark. When Nate appeared at the window, the thumping became more furious, as the whaley kids picked up the pace and aimed right at him, as if a well-placed shot might drop him in a dunking tank. â€Å"There’s a reason cetaceans don’t have hands in the real world!†Nate screamed at them. â€Å"You are that reason! You little freaks!†Thump, thump-a, thump, thump, clack. Occasionally a missed throw hit the shell-like frame of the window, sounding like a marble hitting tile. I sound like Old Man Spangler yelling at my brother and me for raiding his apple trees, Nate thought. When did I turn into that guy? I don’t want to be that guy. There was a soft knock on the shell of his front door. As he turned, the door flipped open like shutters, two pieces of shell retracting on muscles hidden in the wall. Nate felt like a surprised box turtle. Cielle Nuà ±ez stood in the doorway with canvas shopping bags folded under her arm. She was a pleasant woman, attractive, competent, and non-threatening; Nate was sure that’s why she’d been chosen to be his guide. â€Å"You ready to do some shopping, Nate? I called to tell you I was coming, but you didn’t answer.†The apartment had a speaking apparatus, a sort of ornate tube thing that whistled and buzzed green metallic beetle wings when there was a call. Nate was afraid of it. â€Å"Cielle, can we drop any pretense that we are just buddies out for the day? You lock me in here when you leave.†â€Å"For your own safety.†â€Å"Somehow that always seems to be the argument the jailer uses.†â€Å"You want to go get some food and clothes or not?†Nate shrugged and followed her out the door. They walked along the perimeter of the grotto, which seemed a cross between an old English village and an Art Nouveau hobbit housing project: irregularly shaped doors and windows looking into shops that displayed baked goods and other prepared foods. Evidently the Goo wasn’t big on having fire around for home cooking. All the cooked foods were prepared somewhere else in the complex. There was a warming cabinet in Nate’s apartment that looked like a breadbox made out of a giant armadillo shell. It worked great. You rolled the top open, put the food in, then promptly lost your appetite. â€Å"Let’s get you something to wear today,†Cielle said. â€Å"Those khakis are on loan. Only the whale-ship crews are supposed to wear them.†As they walked, a half dozen whaley kids followed them, chirping and giggling all the way. â€Å"So I’d get in trouble if I started kicking whaley kids down the street?†â€Å"Of course,†Cielle laughed. â€Å"We have laws here, just like anywhere else.†â€Å"Evidently not ones that forbid kidnapping and unjustified imprisonment.†Nuà ±ez stopped and grabbed his arm. â€Å"Look, what are you complaining about? This is a good place to be. You’re not being mistreated. Everyone’s been kind to you. What’s the problem?†â€Å"What’s the problem? The problem is that all you people were yanked out of your lives, taken away from your families and friends, taken from everything that you knew, and you all act like it doesn’t bother you in the least. Well, it bothers me, Cielle. It fucking bothers me a lot. And I don’t understand this whole colony, or city, or whatever this thing is. How does it even exist without anyone knowing about it? In all these years, why has no one gotten out and spoiled the secret of this place?†â€Å"I told you, we were all going to drown –  » â€Å"Bullshit. I don’t buy that for a second. That gratitude toward your rescuer only lasts for a short while. I’ve seen it. It doesn’t take over your life. Everyone I’ve met is blissed out. You people worship the Goo, don’t you?†â€Å"Nate, you don’t want to be locked in, you won’t be locked in. You can have the run of Gooville – go anywhere you want. There’s hundreds of miles of passages. Some of them even I haven’t seen. Go. Leave the grotto and go down any one of those passages. But you know what? You’ll be back looking for your apartment tonight. You are not a prisoner, you’re just living in a different place and a different way.†â€Å"You didn’t answer my question.†â€Å"The Goo is the source, Nate. You’ll see. The Colonel – ; â€Å"Fuck the Colonel. The Colonel is a fucking myth.†â€Å"Should we get some coffee? You seem grumpy.†â€Å"Damn it, Cielle, my caffeine headache is not relevant.†Actually it was, sort of. He hadn’t had any coffee today. â€Å"Besides, how do I know it’s coffee we’re drinking? It’s probably some mutant sea otter/coffee bean hybrid beverage.†â€Å"Is that what you want?†â€Å"No, that’s not what I want. What I want is a doorknob. And not an organic nodule thing – I want a dead doorknob. One that always has been dead, too. Not something that you used to be friends with.†Cielle Nuà ±ez had backed away from him several feet, and the whaley kids who’d been following them had quieted down and gone into a defensive pod formation, the big kids on the outside. People who were out walking, and who normally made a point of nodding and smiling as they passed, took a wide detour around Nate. There was an inordinate amount of whistling among the milling whaley boys. â€Å"That going to do it for you?†Nu;ez asked. â€Å"A doorknob. I get you a doorknob, you’re a happy man?†Why should he be embarrassed? Because he’d scared the kids? Because he’d made his captors uncomfortable? Nevertheless, he was embarrassed. â€Å"I could use some earplugs, too, if you have them. For sleeping.†For ten hours out of twenty-four, the grotto went dark. Cielle explained that this was for the comfort of the humans, to help them keep some semblance of their normal circadian rhythms. People needed day and night – without the change many people couldn’t sleep. The problem was, the whaley boys didn’t sleep. They rested, but they didn’t sleep. So when the grotto went dark, they went on about their business. In the dark, however, they were all constantly emitting sonar clicks. At night the grotto sounded like it was being marched upon by an army of tap dancers. Consequently, so did Nate’s apartment. Nu;ez nodded. â€Å"We can probably do that. You want to go get a steaming hot cup of sea otter now?†â€Å"What?†â€Å"I’m just kidding. Lighten up, Nate.†â€Å"I want to go home.†He’d said it before he even realized it. â€Å"That’s not going to happen. But I’ll send word. I think it’s time you met with the Colonel.†They spent the day going to shops. Nate found some cotton slacks that fitted him, some socks and underwear, and a pile of T-shirts from one tiny shop. There was no currency exchanged. Nuà ±ez would just nod to the shopkeeper, and Nate would take what he needed. There was little variety in any of the shops, and most of what they carried was goods from the real world: clothes, fabric, books, razor blades, shoes, and small electronics. But a few shops carried items that appeared to have been grown or made right there in Gooville: toothbrushes, soaps, lotions. All the packaging seemed to come out of the seventeenth century – the shopkeepers wrapped parcels in a ubiquitous oilcloth that Nate thought smelled vaguely of seaweed and indeed had the same olive color as giant kelp. Patrons brought their own jars to carry oils, pickles, and other soft goods. Nate had seen everything from a modern mayonnaise jar to hand-thrown crockery that had to have been made a hundred years ago. â€Å"How long, Cielle?†he asked as he watched a shopkeeper count sugared dates into a hand-blown glass jar and seal it with wax. â€Å"How long have people been down here?†She followed his gaze to the jar. â€Å"We get a lot of the surface goods from shipwrecks, so don’t be impressed if you see antiques; the sea is a good preserver. We may have salvaged it only a week ago. A friend of mine keeps potatoes in a Grecian wine amphora that’s two thousand years old.†â€Å"Yeah, and I’m using the Holy Grail to catch my spare change. How long?†â€Å"You are so hostile today. I don’t know how long, Nate. A long time.†He had dozens, hundreds more questions, like where the hell did they get potatoes when they didn’t have sunlight to grow anything? They weren’t bringing potatoes up from a shipwreck. But Cielle was letting him get only so far before claiming ignorance. They had lunch at a four-stool lunch counter where the proprietor was a striking Irishwoman with stunning green eyes and a massive spill of red hair and who, like everyone, it seemed, knew Cielle and knew who Nate was. â€Å"Got you a Walkman then, Dr. Quinn? Whaley boys will drive you to drink with that sonar at night.†â€Å"We’re going to get him some earplugs today, Brennan,†Cielle said. â€Å"Music, that’s the way to wash the whaley-boy whistles,†the woman said. Then she was off to her kitchen. The walls of the cafe were decorated with a collection of antique beer trays, glued in place, as Nate had learned, with an adhesive that was similar to what barnacles secreted to fasten themselves to ships. Nailing things up was frowned upon, as the walls would bleed for a while if injured. Nate took a bite of his sandwich, meatballs and mozzarella on good crusty French bread. â€Å"How?†he asked Cielle, blowing crumbs on the counter. â€Å"How does any of this stuff get made if there’s no flame?†Cielle shrugged. â€Å"No idea. A bakery, I’d guess. They make all the prepared food outside the grotto. I’ve never been there.†â€Å"You don’t know how? How can that be?†Cielle Nuà ±ez put down her own sandwich and leaned on one elbow, smiling at Nate. She had remarkably kind eyes, and Nate had to remind himself that she had been ordered to be his friend. Interesting, he thought, that they’d choose a woman. Was she bait? â€Å"You ever read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Nate?†â€Å"Of course, everybody does.†â€Å"And that guy goes back to Camelot from the late nineteenth century and dazzles everyone with his scientific knowledge, mainly because he can make gunpowder, right?†â€Å"Yes, so?†â€Å"You’re a scientist, so you might do better than most, but take your average citizen, a guy who works at a discount store, say. Drop him in the twelfth century, you know what he’ll achieve?†â€Å"Make your point?†â€Å"Death by bacterial infection, more than likely. And the last words on his lips will probably be, ‘There’s such a thing as an antibiotic, really. My point is, I don’t know how this stuff is made because I haven’t needed to know. Nobody knows how to make the things they use. I suppose I could find out and get back to you, but I promise you I’m not holding out on you just to be mysterious. We do a lot of salvage on the whale ships, and we have a trade network into the real world that gets us a lot of our goods. When a freighter leaves pallets of goods for the people on remote islands in the Pacific, all they know is that they’ve been paid and they’ve delivered to shore. They don’t stay to see who takes the goods away. The old-timers say that it used to be that the Goo provided everything. Nothing came in from the outside that wasn’t on their backs when they got here.†Nate took a bite of his sandwich and nodded as if considering what she’d just said. Since he’d arrived in Gooville, he had spent every waking moment thinking about two things: one, how this whole place could possibly function; and two, how to get out of it. The Goo had to get energy from somewhere. The energy to light the huge grotto alone would require tens of millions of calories. If it got energy from outside, maybe you could use that same pathway to get out. â€Å"So do you guys feed it? The Goo?†â€Å"No.†â€Å"Well, then-â€Å" â€Å"Don’t know, Nate. I just don’t know. How does dry-cleaning work?†â€Å"Well, I assume that they use solvents, that, uh – Look, biologists don’t have a lot of stuff that needs to be dry-cleaned. I’m sure it’s not that complicated a process.†â€Å"Yeah, well, right back at you on all of your questions about the Goo.†Cielle stood and gathered up her parcels. â€Å"Let’s go, Nate. I’m taking you back to your apartment. Then I’m going right to the whaley-boy den and find out if they can get the Colonel to see you. Today.†Nate still had a couple bites of his sandwich left. â€Å"Hey, I’ve still got a couple of bites of my sandwich left,†he said. â€Å"Really? Well, did you ask yourself where in Gooville we got meatballs? What sort of meat might be in them?†Nate dropped his sandwich. â€Å"Bit of the whining wussy boy, aren’t we?†said Brennan as she came out of the kitchen to take away their plates. Nate was reading a cheesy lawyer novel that he’d found in the small library in his apartment when the whaley boys came for him. There were three of them, two large males with killer-whale coloring and a smaller female blue. Only when the blue squeaked â€Å"Hi Nate†in a mashed-elf voice did he recognize it as Emily 7. â€Å"Wow, hi, Emily. Is just Emily okay, or should I always say the Seven?†Nate always felt awkward with someone afterward, even if there wasn’t anything for the ward to be after. She crossed her arms over her chest and bugged out her left eye at him. â€Å"Okay,†Nate said, moving on, â€Å"I guess we’ll be going, then. Did you see my new doorknob? Brand-new. Stainless steel. I realize it doesn’t go with everything else, but, you know, it feels a little like freedom.†Right, Nate. It’s a doorknob, he thought. They led him around the perimeter of the grotto, beyond the village, and into one of the huge passageways that led away from the grotto. They walked for half an hour, tracing a labyrinth of passageways that got narrower and narrower the farther off they went, the bright red lobster-shell surface fading into something that looked like mother-of-pearl the deeper in they went. It glowed faintly, just enough so they could see where they were going. Finally the passageway started to broaden again and open into a large room that looked like some sort of oval amphitheater, all of it pearlescent and providing its own light. Benches lined the walls around the room, all in view of a wide ramp that led to a round portal the size of a garage door, closed now with an iris of black shell. â€Å"Ooooh, the great and powerful Oz will see you now,†Nate said. The whaley boys, who normally found practically anything funny, just looked away. One of the black-and-whites started whistling a soft tune from his blowhole. â€Å"In the Hall of the Mountain King†or a Streisand tune – something creepy, Nate thought. Emily 7 backhanded the whistler in the chest, and he stopped abruptly. Then she put her hand on Nate’s shoulder and gestured for him to go up the steps to the round portal. â€Å"Okay, I guess this is it.†Nate started backing up the ramp as the whaley boys started backing away from him. â€Å"You guys better not leave me, because I’ll never find my way back.†Emily 7 grinned, that lovely hack-a-salmon-in-half smile of hers, and waved him on. â€Å"Thanks, Em. You look good, you know. Did I mention? Shiny.†He hoped shiny was good. The iris opened behind him, and the whaley boys fell to their knees and touched their lower jaws to the floor. Nate turned to see that the pearlescent ramp led into a vibrant red chamber that was pulsing with light and glistening with moisture as the walls appeared to breathe. Now, this looked like a living thing – the inside of a living thing. Really much more what he’d expected to see when the whale had eaten him. He made his way forward. A few steps in, the ramp melded into the reddish flesh, which Nate could now see was shot through with blood vessels and what might be nerves. He couldn’t get the size of the space he was in. It just seemed to expand to receive him and contract behind him, as if a bubble were moving along with him inside it. When the iris disappeared into the pink Goo, Nate felt a wave of panic go through him. He took a deep breath – damp, fecund air – and strangely enough he remembered what Poynter and Poe had told him bac k on the humpback ship: It’s easier if you just accept that you’re already dead. He took another deep breath and ventured forward a few more feet, then stopped. â€Å"I feel like a friggin’ sperm in here!†he yelled. What the hell, he was dead anyway. â€Å"I’m supposed to have a meeting with the Colonel.†On cue, the Goo began to open in front of him, like the view of a flower opening from the inside. A brighter light illuminated the newly opened chamber, now just large enough to house Nate, another person, and about ten feet of conversational distance. Reclining in a great pink mass of goo, dressed in tropical safari wear and a San Francisco Giants baseball hat, was the Colonel. â€Å"Nathan Quinn, good to see you. It’s been a long time,†he said. How to cite Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 27~28, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
How to throw the perfect party free essay sample
People these days seem to be overwhelmed with pressure and stress. The most common way to relieve this stress is through relaxing and sleeping. Throwing a great party would be a great way to relieve it than any other common hobby. Planning the perfect party is a talent that is like no other. It certainly takes some time and preparation to have a flawless function. Not many people get to plan and organize a great party, because it does require some experience and skill. These guidelines can help you organize a great party. Having the perfect party is challenging when there is no prior preparation .The steps that will be used in these instructions, will guide the party planner on what will be needed to do for preparation prior to the party. The first step would be to find a venue to which will accommodate your party .Picking a venue should be based upon how many people are going to be present at the function. We will write a custom essay sample on How to throw the perfect party or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If it would be a smaller get-together, then a small room would be adequate. If a larger function is what is needed, then choose a larger place to accommodate for the party guest. You should also fill up the venue with chairs and tables, assuming that a catered dinner is to be planned for. If you are not planning to have a dinner, then the right amount of chairs and tables would do just fine. The second step is to create a nice atmosphere and theme suitable for the party. Having a theme is an important factor in having the perfect party. Achieving a great ambience, you would need to style the venue accordingly to the theme you are trying to shoot for. If you’re really trying to emphasize a great theme then you should buy or use decorations that are related to the theme. Do not decorate too much or the venue would look like a disaster and become tacky. A nice trick would be to place a cloth, which would pertain to the theme, over the lamps to give the room a good vibe. If you don’t have a theme present, simple lighting and decorations will do just fine. The third step would be picking which music preference is suitable for the occasion. The Music plays a significant part in the party since it sets the vibe, the moods and the flow of the occasion. When you are looking for the right music, consider what kind of crowd you are expecting. You certainly don’t want to have music that everyone is not accustomed to, it could become a disaster. If used right, the music could play a role in making a party more memorable and enhance the mood in the room. The fourth step would be to prepare all the courses of food that will be served during your party. Depending on what the occasion is, the food should be enough for the guests. Preferably, there should not be any leftovers. If it is a meal party, then full meals can be served. If it is just a short get-together appetizers and snacks will satisfy the crowd. Always make sure to take note of the ingredients of the food to avoid allergy issues. Additionally, a good way to spice the party up is playing games. It is great entertainment and very enjoyable for guest. Having icebreakers could be done at the beginning to warm things up. Icebreakers is a great way to make guest more comfortable to meet and talk to others. Games are recommended for acquaintance parties or any people who are complete strangers to one another. Parties are a part of life. It brings excitement into any kind of day you are having. Since it is interactive, people get to meet new friends. If you’re already acquainted, you can get to know each other better. A party could be done anywhere, anytime but overall, t he memories your guest had will stay with them forever.
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